What the fuck?

September 29, 2019
So, this is about a comment on my book, Gunlaw, that's free to read on Wattpad:


And it's about "bad language" / cursing.

I understand that some people do not like and want to avoid cursing. I get that. When I stop getting it are the cases when that desire is juxtaposed with the desire to read violent fantasy fiction - and let's face it, most fantasy fiction is violent. When there are swords being carried, hungry dragons, pitched battles etc … there's generally going to be violence.

So, here's the exchange. I'll admit that I took it as a passive aggressive attempt to control what I wrote, and reacted as I generally do to passive aggression - i.e. with actual aggression. That just feels more honest to me.

First note that the person complaining about the word "damned" had earlier on the page been lolling at the idea a minotaur had broken a prostitute.

And here's the exchange where they make their point about the "bad language".

(click on text to enlarge)
(click on text to enlarge)

So, yes, by all means take steps to avoid reading curse words if they offend you. But I reserve the right to think it's madness to be somehow morally outraged by the word "fuck" and yet be entertained by violence and murder.

And of course it's fine to be entertained by stories of violence and murder. We have been for millennia and will doubtless continue to be. Reading a story about them doesn't condone them. And if the person whose arm has just been chopped off with a sword says, "Well, fuck!" We aren't condoning the naughty word either.

It seems odd that I need to explain this...

And for those interested, here are the fuck-counts for my traditionally published works:

For the record, the fuck-count for Gunlaw is 29!

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