Black Eagle Ditarget Memiliki Komponen Lokal 60%

December 31, 2019 Add Comment
01 Januari 2020

Black Eagle ketika belum dilakukan pengecatan (photo : Putut Reza)

Drone Mata-Mata Made in RI 60% Komponen Masih Impor

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Indonesia terus meningkatkan kemampuan membuat drone untuk keperluan pertahanan dan keamanan mulai dari urusan mata-mata hingga kombatan atau pertempuran. Pada Senin (30/12) drone bertipe Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) yang bernama 'Black Eagle' atau Elang Hitam memasuki tahap roll out atau keluar hanggar di PT DI, Bandung.

Drone prototipe pertama ini merupakan hasil produksi konsorsium yang terdiri dari BPPT, Kemenhan, TNI AU, PT DI, PT Len, dan ITB. Deputi Bidang Teknologi Industri Rancang Bangun dan Rekayasa BPPT Wahyu Widodo Pandoe mengatakan tak semua komponen drone MALE dibuat di dalam negeri.

"Komponen lokal 40%, target kita harus di atas 60%," kata Wahyu kepada CNBC Indonesia, Senin (30/12).

Spanyol dan Turki

Ia mengatakan beberapa komponen drone MALE yang masih harus diimpor adalah flight control system, weapon system dan lainnya.

"Flight control system dari Spanyol, untuk selanjutnya akan dibuat oleh PT Len, kalau komponen body pesawat 100% di dalam negeri, yang belum weapon system kerja sama dengan pihak luar. Kita penjajakan kerja sama dengan Turki," katanya

Drone MALE ini mampu terbang selama 24 jam dan mencapai ketinggian 30.000 kaki, drone ini membawa kamera dan radar. Pesawat ini untuk pengawasan perbatasan yang difungsikan untuk pertahanan dan keamanan wilayah.

BPPT juga sempat mengembangkan drone tipe Alap-Alap PA-06D lebih kecil dengan bentang sayap 3,2 m, berat maksimum saat takeoff (payload) 31 kg, lama terbang hanya 5 jam.

Selain itu, ada drone Wulung mampu terbang dari pusat take off hanya radius 100-120 kilometer (km), dan mampu terbang hanya selama 4 jam non stop. Wulung mampu terbang dengan ketinggian 8.000 kaki.

[ftubmcnk] Generating a technology "tree"

[ftubmcnk] Generating a technology "tree"

December 31, 2019 Add Comment

Consider a game about obtaining items.  For each item, obtaining it requires having already obtained its set of prerequisite items.  This kind of mechanism is seen, for example, in games in which gaining an ability (skill, technology) requires first gaining other abilities.  Or completing some quests opens up other quests.

We consider randomly generating such a collection of prerequisite dependencies.  First, (totally) order the items.  For each item, select a subset of items before it in the total order as the prerequisites.  Some items might have no prerequisites (so they are easy to obtain); some may have many.  All the prerequisites in a set must be satisfied in order to obtain the item (Boolean conjunction).

At this point, because we started with a total ordering, there are no cycles among dependencies, so every item is reachable.  It could be drawn as a directed acyclic graph, but that representation becomes less useful for what we are doing next.  (If all the prerequisite sets contain exactly one item (except the root, which has an empty prerequisite set), then that graph would be a tree.  If every prerequisite set has zero or one items, then the graph would be a forest.)

Next, for every item, give it zero or more alternative prerequisite sets.  Each alternative prerequisite set is an alternate way (Boolean disjunction) of satisfying the prerequisites for getting the item.  This resembles Disjunctive Normal Form in Boolean logic (sum of products), except there are no negated literals (never a penalty for having an item).  These alternative prerequisites can include items coming after the item in the total ordering established above.  It is OK to create cycles because we've previously ensured an acyclic way to reach every item.

To simplify computation, restrict the possible prerequisite items of a given item to within a window (forward and backward) of the given item in the total ordering.  Items with no prerequisites must be within the window around the beginning of the total ordering.  This allows answering the question "given the items I currently have, what can I immediately access?" without having to search too far forward in the total ordering.  This restriction allows the number of items to be infinite, with prerequisites generated on the fly as they fall within the windows of items you already have.  The prerequisites for an item can be generated using a pseudorandom number generator seeded by the item's unique identifier.  (An easy such an identifier would be its number in the total ordering.)  Despite an infinite number of items, generating and doing queries against such a seemingly complicated infinite collection of prerequisites requires very little space, probably logarithmic.  (However, keeping track of the items a player has already obtained requires n log n space.)  The factors of log n are for the size of each item's unique identifier or label.

What should be the probability distribution of the number items in a prerequisite set?  What should be the distribution of the number of alternative prerequisite sets?  Although the items for the alternate prerequisite sets can be from anywhere within an item's window, what should be the distribution within the window from which prerequisites are selected?  Perhaps items nearer in the total ordering are required more frequently.  Similarly, what should be the distribution of prerequisites in each item's first prerequisite set, the one which obeys the total ordering?

Avoid creating impossible alternative prerequisite sets.  Avoid creating prerequisite sets which are monotonically more difficult than a different prerequisite set for the item; that is, satisfying the more difficult set necessarily satisfies the easier one.  Without introducing another constraint, testing for these situations might be difficult or impossible because of paths of arbitrary length among infinite items: go forward then back in the total ordering.

It is an abstract maze (perhaps the goal is to reach a certain item), but there isn't a need for the kind of backtracking seen in solving SAT in CNF with negated literals.  The penalty for choosing to get the "wrong" item is resources wasted making no progress toward the goal.  What choices to the above questions tend to make it an entertaining maze?

PT PAL and Landing Docks Acquisition Project of the Philippine Navy

December 31, 2019 Add Comment
01 Januari 2020

PAL offered new design on its SSV 123m (all images : PAL)

Opening Bidding

For the Landing Docks Acquisition Project which conducted the Bid Submission and Opening last 26 November 2019, the lowest bidder was local shipbuilder Megaship Builders Inc., which is joint-ventured to a Malaysian shipbuilder, Sing Kiong Hong Dockyards Sdn Bhd.

The problem is, Megaship Builders or even its joint venture partner Sing Kiong Hong Dockyards has never built a Landing Platform Dock-type ship before. Both companies appear to have no experience either in installing, integrating and supporting military equipment and subsystems.

But they were able to join the bidding because the Philippine Navy's TWG simply required bidders to have experience in building ships of around 7,000 tons or higher displacement, without specifying on the type of ship they built before.

In short, it is the Philippine Navy's fault that such was able to join and even become the lowest bidder for the project due to their vague and incomplete details on the technical specifications and requirements.

Post Bidding

While Megaship Builders Inc. - Sing Kiong Hong Dockyards JV was the lowest bidder for the Landing Docks Acquisition Project of the Philippine Navy, it appears that they might have hit a wall during the Post Qualification Inspection (PQI) stage which was conducted this month.

And based on information MaxDefense received after posting the news on Megaship Builders - Sing Kiong Hong Dockyards JV being the lowest bidder for the project, it appears that they failed the Post Qualification Inspection (PQI) due to financial and technical reasons, which may have included their lack of experience in building an LPD-like vessel or military transport vessels of similar size and design.

If the joint venture was Post-Disqualified, it means that the second lowest bidder will be given the chance to steal the show. And in this case, the second lowest bidder is Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL (Persero), which was the builder of the Tarlac-class LPD already in use with the Philippine Navy.

It now remains to be seen if PT PAL will be able to pass the Post Qualification Inspection to be conducted by the DND-Bids and Awards Committee (DND-BAC) and Philippine Navy Technical Working Group (TWG).

PT PAL previously passed the PQI for the Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) Acquisition Project, which means PT PAL has experience in how PQIs are done, and how to pass it.

Should PT PAL pass the PQI, it would become the basis for the release of Notice of Award (NOA), which in turn will lead to PT PAL receiving the contract for the project.

A win by PT PAL is also advantageous to the Philippine Navy, as both parties already had previous working experience in building similar ships, and PT PAL's offered design is actually an improved version of the Tarlac-class. This means the retention of design which will make commonality and logistics support simpler and more efficient, compared to having a different LPD design from the existing ones the Philippine Navy already operates.

MaxDefense just hopes that the Philippine Navy would be able to improve further on the ship's design, considering they failed to include improvements on helicopter deck capacity to allow future helicopters of the Philippine Air Force, which may include medium and heavy lift helicopters like the Russian Mi-17 Hip and American CH-47 Chinook helicopters.

Here is images from video posted by PT PAL of what it could be offering to the Philippine Navy. Take note that items not included in the technical requirements will not be delivered by the winning shipbuilder, including the 76mm Super Rapid main gun, CIWS, etc.


BPPT Berencana Beli Pesawat dari PT DI

December 31, 2019 Add Comment
01 Januari 2020

NC-212i buatan PTDI yang diincar BPPT (photo : ririiw)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) berminat dan berencana untuk membeli pesawat terbang dari PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) melalui penandatanganan surat pernyataan minat. Pesawat itu secara khusus akan dibuat untuk membantu pelaksanaan hujan buatan.

"Sekarang ini sudah kita punya niat untuk diadakan pesawat pada tahun 2020-2021 itu untuk menyemai awan dengan garam supaya bisa melakukan percepatan hujan buatan," kata Kepala BPPT Hammam Riza di dalam acara Roll Out Pesawat Udara Nir Awak (PUNA) atau Drone tipe Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) di PT Dirgantara Indonesia, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Senin (30/12).

Penandatanganan surat pernyataan minat itu dilakukan oleh Kepala BPPT dan Direktur utama PT Dirgantara Indonesia Elfien Goentoro di PT Dirgantara Indonesia di Bandung pada Senin. BPPT mengalokasikan anggaran Rp 260 miliar untuk membeli pesawat NC212 itu.

Dia berharap kontrak akan segera ditandatangani pada 2020 sehingga proses pengadaan pesawat terbang khusus untuk misi hujan buatan dapat dilakukan pada 2020 hingga 2021.

BPPT sejak tahun 1993 telah mengoperasikan pesawat NC212 buatan PT Dirgantara Indonesia untuk melakukan teknologi modifikasi cuaca mendatangkan hujan buatan. Sementara untuk melaksanakan misi hujan buatan, BPPT membutuhkan pesawat dengan konfigurasi hujan buatan (rain making).

NC-212 Thailand (photo : thalea)

Hammam mengatakan selama ini pergerakan BPPT terbatas untuk menyemai awan dalam upaya menciptakan hujan buatan karena hanya memiliki satu pesawat yang sudah beroperasi sejak 1993. Sementara, Thailand memiliki 20 pesawat untuk melakukan hujan buatan.

Untuk pengendalian kasus-kasus kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang terjadi sebelumnya, BPPT banyak mengandalkan pesawat dari TNI Angkatan Udara dengan meminjam pesawat mereka. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelaksanaan teknologi modifikasi cuaca ke depan, BPPT akan menjajaki dan mengkaji pesawat terbang buatan PT DI yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelaksanaan teknologi modifikasi cuaca.

Direktur utama PT Dirgantara Indonesia Elfien Goentoro mengatakan pesawat NC212 dapat mengangkut 3 ton sehingga bisa membawa banyak bahan yakni garam untuk proses penyemaian awan. "Kalau saya sebagai pembuat mudah-mudahan bisa kontrak bulan depan," ujarnya.

Dalam surat pernyataan minat itu, PT DI menyatakan sepakat melaksanakan pelaksanaan aspek teknis dan non teknis jenis pesawat terbang dengan konfigurasi hujan buatan.

Panduan Lengkap Pijat by M. Ferry Wong Pdf

Panduan Lengkap Pijat by M. Ferry Wong Pdf

December 31, 2019 Add Comment

Sinopsis :

Pijat memang sudah terkenal di mata masyarakat Indonesia. Dulu, pijat dianggap sebagai obat mujarap penghilang rasa lelah. Pijat memang dikenal bisa merelaksasi tubuh. Namun, seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, pijat pun mengalami kemajuan. Kini, pijat tidak hanya bisa merelaksasi tubuh, tetapi juga bisa mengatasi banyak sekali gangguan kesehatan.

Gangguan kesehatan yang bisa
After School Horror by Nana R. Praptini Pdf

After School Horror by Nana R. Praptini Pdf

December 31, 2019 Add Comment

Sinopsis :

Hujan turun deras dan motorku sulit untuk di-starter. Aku bimbang, ingin bolos, tapi rasanya harus tetap les. Akhirnya saya menetapkan untuk pergi. Dalam perjalanan, di tikungan yang gelap, sebuah kendaraan beroda empat muncul dengan kecepatan tinggi.

Aku terlambat menyadari kedatangannya. Kubanting setang motor ke kiri untuk menghindari tabrakan. Tapi, percuma... Aku terjatuh

My writing decade.

December 31, 2019 Add Comment

I have been occupied with the business of authoring for the whole of the decade just about to expire.
Here's an email I got in January 2010:

Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010, 11:27:34 AM GMT
Subject: The Hundred War

Dear Mark, 
Thank you for approaching the agency. I enjoyed the opening chapters and would very much like to read the rest of the script. This is exactly the sort of fantasy I enjoy and for which there is a buoyant market. You can send me a printout at the address below or email it to me.
Two minor housekeeping points: please (1) indent each paragraph by one hit on the tab key and (2) don’t leave a line between each paragraph.
I look forward to seeing how the story develops.
Kind Regards
& then in March less than 2 months later:
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 5:09:48 PM GMT Subject: You have a deal Dear Mark, I am delighted to report that we have a deal for PRINCE OF THORNS plus two sequels. There will be others to follow, as the main deal with Ace books is for World English Language rights; we are now negotiating for translation rights and indeed, have just concluded a deal in Germany. The interest in PRINCEOF THORNS was so great that it went to an auction between publishers both sides of the Atlantic with four of the big British companies bidding and three American. Editors kept saying that Jorg is exactly the character they have been looking for, and loved the verve and style of the whole thing.

I remember being stunned by the phone call that preceded the email, and floored by the size of the advance being offered. My research had led me to expect something in the $5,000 range, and what I got instead broke into six figures and kept on going for a fair way after that. I had my very disabled daughter on my lap during the call, and afterwards I 'hung' her on my shoulder (she was able to be carried at that age) and went into the kitchen to tell my wife. She took one look at my face and thought that Celyn had died on me or something. Anyway, it has been a priviledge to write books for publication for the past 10 years. It added colour and hope into a very stressful existence at the time. It also meant that when the Advanced Research Group I worked in closed down unexepectedly five years later, making ~150 Ph.D scientists redundant, I was able to transition smoothly into full time writing. I've no idea how long my luck in these endeavours will continue and I've taken care not to define myself by the success of my writing as it's an ephemeral thing that contains large elements of chance. But if the 2020's allow, then I shall endeavour to put many more books before you. Have a great new year, all. Mark


Best of 2019: The Top 10 Movies of the Year

December 31, 2019 Add Comment

How did I spend the 2010s? The question bounced around inside my head this fall after someone on Twitter asked, "there’s only ONE MONTH left in the decade. what have you accomplished?" -- inspiring a viral meme that encouraged users to brag about their personal and professional achievements. (The Twitter user who asked the question, by the way, is currently suspended. Looks like he/she had a more action-packed decade than I did.)

As I thought about how I'd answer that question, I realized ... I didn't have a good response. In fact, the whole premise of the question filled me with anxiety. I got married last decade, and because my wife and I don't have children, I can't list cool things that my kids did. My writing career has thrived, for which I'm eternally grateful, and we now own a place, something I didn't think possible in the ultra-competitive, insanely expensive world of Los Angeles real estate. But somehow, those highlights still felt woefully insignificant in the face of justifying one's existence over the last 10 years. I did things, lots and lots of things, but what had I really done? How had I grown? How had I changed? How had I improved? Was I just marking time on this planet? Or did I make some sort of difference? How did I contribute to the good of society?

These are the sorts of thoughts that can keep you up at night, which is not something I welcome into my life. (Trust me, you don't want to know what's eating away at my brain at two in the morning.) But, seriously, what had I accomplished?

I think the question hits at something I'm constantly struggling with. Accomplishments are not something I really measure my life by. To be sure, I'm always working toward achieving things, but once I get there, I just discard them and move on to the next goal. The accomplishment isn't savored nearly enough because I instantly focus on something new. I measure my life by what's up ahead, not what I've already done. The notion of "Live in the moment" is a wonderful concept that I simply cannot comprehend. How can I live in the moment when there's so much more to do? I value busyness over contentment. (Just the idea of "contentment" actively scares me.)

As we reach the end of a year, and a decade, maybe the thing I accomplished was accumulating a vague understanding that I don't take enough pride in what I've achieved -- and that I'm constantly chasing happiness instead of enjoying the happiness in my life currently. Maybe I should look into that. I feel like I'm not alone in this problem: One of the things I've been struck by while listening to Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend is that just about every celebrity he talks to is awful at enjoying things. It's built into their programming to be perpetually slightly unsatisfied. This is how successful people operate, I tell myself. They're always pushing themselves. I'm proud of the part of me that acts that way instinctively. But what fun is it to work hard if you can't sit back every once in a while and allow space to be, you know, proud of yourself? What good is success if you spend every day telling yourself that it isn't enough? I don't believe in New Year's resolutions, but maybe I could do better in that regard in 2020, and the 2020s.

* * * * *

Perhaps you skipped past all that to get to my ranking of the best films of 2019. If so, congratulations, you've now reached my list. Here it is...

1. Uncut Gems
2. Parasite
3. Little Women
4. The Irishman
5. Marriage Story
6. The Lighthouse
7. The Souvenir
8. An Elephant Sitting Still
9. Joker
10. High Life

It was a screwy year in that my feelings about several movies shifted over time. Second screenings of movies revealed some to be better (and some to be less-amazing) than I had initially estimated. Where I ultimately landed was ... well, very much with the consensus. The movies most critics loved charted very high for me, too. Still, there were the annual outliers, specifically Joker, a film whose detractors I am tired of arguing with.

Sometimes, the movies that just miss a critic's Top 10 are more interesting than the ones that make the cut. So, from 11-15, I have Her Smell, Synonyms (pictured above), Ad Astra, Non-Fiction and The Hottest August. Each of them helped make my 2019 richer. (Also, if Leaving Neverland had been eligible for my list, it would have placed pretty high up. Surely one of the year's most memorable screenings was that film's premiere at Sundance. What a grueling, deeply moving experience.)

If a certain personal favorite of yours isn't mentioned above, there's still a good chance I wrote (or talked) about it somewhere. Type the film's title into the search engine at the top left and it should take you straight to my thoughts. I apologize in advance for liking the film less than you did. Nobody's perfect.

* * * * *

So, how did I spend my 2019? I went to the usual festivals: Sundance, True/False, Cannes and Toronto. And I added a new one, Venice, which was a thrill. (It is very possible I was no happier this entire year than flying down the Lido on a bike. It's an exhilarating way to navigate a festival.)

I wrote a lot, of course. Screen International, as always, kept me wonderfully busy with reviews. (Plus, I got to speak to Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe, separately, about The Lighthouse.) MEL continued to give me tons of latitude to dig into lots of different topics. I honored Election's 20th anniversary with one of my favorite pieces this year. (Grateful to Alexander Payne for answering some questions via email.) I really enjoyed wrestling with Fatal Attraction's legacy on the eve of Glenn Close's presumed Oscar triumph. (Spoiler Alert: She did not win.) I went long on Deliverance's infamous rape scene and its echoes in our culture, arguing that we have yet to truly confront what that movie unleashed. (We're still making "squeal like a pig" jokes, afraid to acknowledge the fact that men can be sexually assaulted.) I had a playful tussle with Werner Herzog. We have a lot of fun over at MEL.

Rolling Stone allowed me to lament Universal's decision to pull The Hunt. (Remember that controversy?) My favorite piece for them, though, was my essay imagining what it would mean if Green Book won Best Picture. (That could never happen, we told ourselves ... but what if?) I was grateful to Paste that I got to write about Martin Scorsese's other 2019 movie, Rolling Thunder Revue. (And I did my usual massive True/False recap for them as well.)

Guess who got to interview Alan Alda for the Los Angeles Times? That would be me. (What an honor.) Separately, I got to spend some time with Knives Out's Ana de Armas, who couldn't have been sweeter or sharper.

What else? I wrote a year-end essay for Filmmaker, which is available only to subscribers. (Seriously, look at the cover to my issue.) SyFy has been a delightful home for me and Will to write about movies on a weekly basis. Will and I do a lot of cool lists for Vulture, but our highlight moment was interviewing Don Hertzfeldt, whose It's Such a Beautiful Day made both of our lists of the best films of the decade. (Speaking of which, have you heard that episode of the Grierson & Leitch podcast? It's a good one. Actually, I'm awfully proud of every episode we do.) I spent some time with 6 Underground's Ben Hardy for The Face. (We went to In-N-Out Burger.) I revisited "Nookie" for Revolver. (Sorry, Significant Other still slays.) For Los Angeleno, I surveyed my fair city's wide-ranging midnight-movie scene. I was on the jury for the Gotham Awards. And at the very end of the year, I did an exhaustive history of the Millennium Falcon for Popular Mechanics. Good lord, I was busy.

Thanks for reading. I wish you all a happy 2020. I am actively dreading the presidential election. "Trump's going to win again," someone close to me said recently with bitter resignation. We'll see.

Selamat datang 2020

December 31, 2019 Add Comment
new year, new decade

semuga tahun 2020 akan lebih baik dari sebelumnya... Aamiin

Donald Trump vows to hold Iran 'fully responsible' for attack on US embassy in Baghdad: Under-siege American soldiers wound 20 of pro-Tehran mob that stormed complex in retaliation for US airstrikes on Hezbollah

December 31, 2019 Add Comment
America! Fuck Yeah!

Donald Trump vows to hold Iran 'fully responsible' for attack on US embassy in Baghdad: Under-siege American soldiers wound 20 of pro-Tehran mob that stormed complex in retaliation for US airstrikes on Hezbollah 
American soldiers inside the embassy have fired tear gas, stun grenades and warning shots at hundreds of fighters who broke down the compound gate and set fires within the complex on Tuesday 
The ambassador was on leave at the time of the attack and embassy staff had already been evacuated before the US Marine guard became besieged at the compound 
Trump has vowed to hold Tehran accountable for the embassy attack, which is in retaliation for US air strikes on the Iran-backed Kataeb Hezbollah on Sunday night 
Those USAF strikes were themselves in retaliation for last week's killing of an American contractor in Kirkuk 'Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. 
We strongly responded, and always will.' Trump tweeted on Tuesday morning. 'Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!' 
The embassy's security team evacuated some local staff through a rear gate while others left by helicopter as the rest remained inside 'safe' areas within the embassy, an employee said 
Twenty people have been reported injured in the carnage by the pro-Iran Popular Mobilization Forces

AS dan Iran?

December 31, 2019 Add Comment

Puluhan pendukung milisi Syiah Irak yang marah menerobos masuk ke kompleks Kedubes AS di Baghdad pada hari Selasa setelah menghancurkan pintu utama dan membakar area receptionis. Aparat keamanan yang mengawal kantor konsulat melepaskan tembakan gas air mata untuk meredam aksi demontrasi berlanjut. Nyala api mengepul dari dalam kompleks. Ada kebakaran di area resepsionis dekat tempat parkir kompleks tetapi tidak jelas apa yang menyebabkannya. Serangan demontran ini adalah dampak dari kemarahan atas serangan udara AS pada hari minggu. Menewaskan 25 orang pejuang milisi yang didukung Iran di Irak, di bawah Kataeb Hezbollah atau Brigade Hezbollah. Serangan itu terjadi di lima wilayah di Irak dan Suriah.

Tapi AS punya alasan melakukan serangan Bom itu. Karena Milisi di bawah Kataeb Hezbollah dianggap bertanggung jawab atas serangann roket di pangkalan militer Irak. Dalam insiden itu terbunuhnya kontraktor AS. Padahal keberadaan milisi itu bukan ilegal. Milisi Kataeb Hezbollah diakui keberadaannya oleh pemerintah Irak. Ia akan menjadi bagian dari angkatan bersenjata Irak setelah proses pembentukan tentara nasional Irak. 

AS sangat tahu bahwa kegagalan memecah Irak jadi beberapa negara selalu gagal karena ulah Iran yang sangat kuat mengendalikan Irak. Orang yang paling bertanggung jawab di lapangan terhadap kekuatan Iran mengendalikan proxy nya di Irak , adalah Qasem Soleimani. Siapa dia ? Ia adalah pemimpin Pasukan Qud elit Korps Pengawal Revolusi Islam (IRGC). Dia berhasil membangun kekuatan Timur Tengah untuk kepentingan Iran. Melalui proxy nya dia melakukan perlawanan terhadap eksitensi AS di Irak. Dia membunuh kelompok pro AS, mempersenjatai proxy nya, dan, selama hampir satu dekade, mengarahkan jaringan kelompok-kelompok militan yang menyerang kepentingan AS di Irak.

Semua itu bisa terlaksana karena Qasem Soleimani mendapat dukungan dari Iran, dan hubungannya yang sangat dekat dengan Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Namun gerakannya sebagian besar tetap tidak terlihat oleh dunia luar, bahkan setiap aksi proxy nya tidak pernah bisa dibuktikan terhubung dengan dia.  Namun dia memainkan kekuatan di Irak, di Suriah, di Libanon lewat jaringan Hizbullah.  Bagi AS, Soleimani bertanggung jawab atas terciptanya busur pengaruh - yang oleh Iran disebut 'Sumbu Perlawanan' - membentang dari Teluk Oman melalui Irak, Suriah, dan Libanon hingga pantai timur Laut Mediterania. 

Pada jumat dini dengan Dron AS mengirim rudal ke dekat Bandara Internasional Baghdad, Irak. Pentagon mengatakan serangan itu atas perintah Presiden Donald Trump. "Atas arahan Presiden, militer AS telah mengambil tindakan defensif yang menentukan untuk melindungi personel AS di luar negeri dengan membunuh Qasem Soleimani," kata Pentagon dalam sebuah pernyataan. Dari insiden  pada jumat (3/1/2020) itu, Jenderal Qasem Soleimani, dan enam orang lainnya tewas dalam serangan  udara Amerika Serikat (AS) diantaranya adalah anggota senior Pasukan Mobilisasi Populer (PMF) Irak. 

" Serangan ini bertujuan untuk menghalangi rencana serangan Iran di masa depan. Amerika Serikat akan terus mengambil semua tindakan yang diperlukan untuk melindungi rakyat dan kepentingan kami di mana pun mereka berada di seluruh dunia," lanjut pernyataan Pentagon, seperti dikutip Russia Today. Pentagon mengatakan bahwa pembunuhan itu merupakan respons atas serangan terhadap pangkalan koalisi Amerika di Irak. Washington menuduh Soleimani menjadi dalang serangan serentak baru-baru ini di pangkalan militer Irak dan AS.  Secara khusus, Pentagon menyalahkan Soleimani karena mengatur serangan roket pada 27 Desember di sebuah pangkalan militer di pinggiran Kirkuk yang menewaskan seorang kontraktor sipil AS. Dia juga dituduh menyetujui pengepungan kedutaan AS di Baghdad yang hampir berakhir dengan pengambilalihan kompleks diplomatik itu oleh pemrotes Irak yang sangat marah. Untuk mengetahui secara konkrit apa latar belakang terjadi keributan antara Irak dan AS, baiknya kita ketahui kronologinya.

Pada tahun 2014, ISIS masuk ke Irak dari Suriah. ISIS berhasil mengambil alih beberapa bagian dari provinsi Anbar, akhirnya memperluas kontrol di bagian utara negara itu dan merebut Mosul pada Juni 2014. Presiden Barack Obama mengizinkan serangan udara yang ditargetkan terhadap gerilyawan ISIS di Irak dan Suriah, dan Amerika Serikat membentuk koalisi internasional yang  mencakup hampir delapan puluh negara untuk melawan ISIS. 

Bukan hanya koalisi international, pasukan regional irak juga terlibat lansung. Mereka dibantu oleh  tiga puluh ribu tentara Iran, suku-suku lokal, dan Peshmerga Kurdi dalam operasi untuk mulai merebut kembali wilayah dari ISIS itu. Pada April 2015, berhasil merebut kembali Tikrit. Ramadi pada Desember 2015, Fallujah pada Juni 2016 , dan Mosul pada Juli 2017. Setelah berhasil mengalahkan ISIS, Pemerintah Irak mendeklarasikan kemenangan pada Desember 2017. Namun setelah itu, masalah baru muncul. Apa itu ? Semua kelompok ingin berkuasa. Karena semua merasa berjasa.

Sementara Irak sedang menghadapi masalah ekonomi dan sosial akibat perang selama 4 tahun dengan ISIS. Dua juta orang hidup terlantar tanpa ada solusi untuk menolongnya. Hampir 9 juta orang masih membutuhkan bantuan kemanusiaan. Anggaran untuk rekontruksi paska perang itu membutuhkan dana sebesar USD 88 miliar. Disamping itu pemerintah irak harus menghadapi politik dalam negeri yang pelik untuk mempersatukan Sunni dan Syiah. Harus melebur semua milisi kedalam tentara Nasional Irak. Sehingga tidak ada lagi milisi berkeliaran. Dan desakan suku kurdi yang ingin mendapatkan otonomi lebih luas setelah gagal dalam referendum kemerdekatan pada bukan oktober 2017.

Sebetulnya China sudah menyanggupi untuk memberikan bantuan ekonomi untuk rekontruksi Irak. Namun yang jadi kendala adalah AS. Amerika Serikat punya rencana untuk mencoret milisi  Brigade Hezbollah yang didukung Iran eksis di Irak. Itu bukan hanya sekedar rencana bagi AS. Tapi dilakukan dengan mendikte pemerintah Irak. Lebih dari 5000 pasukan dan layanan AS tetap di irak sebagai penasehat militer. Dalam rangka menstabilikan keamanan dalam negeri Irak, NATO dan AS terlibat langsung memberikan dukungan  keamanan. Keadaan inilah yang membuat kelompok Brigade Hezbollah meradang.

Namun keadaan bertambah rumit, koalisi partai-partai yang dipimpin oleh ulama Syiah Muqtada al-Sadr justru menang dalam pemilihan parlemen Irak pada Mei 2018. Pada Oktober 2018, Barham Saleh terpilih sebagai presiden Irak. Saleh kemudian menunjuk politisi Syiah Adel Abdul Mahdi, mantan wakil presiden dan menteri perminyakan, sebagai perdana menteri dan membentuk pemerintah. AS semakin tersudut secara politik. Makanya pemerintah Irak melakukan pembiaran terhadap demontran yang menyerbu kekonsulat AS di Irak. Akibatnya, setelah berhasil mengusir ISIS, bukan tidak mungkin AS akan menghidupkan ISIS lagi untuk menghadapi milis Brigade Hezbollah. Perang proxy digelar lagi, antara AS dan Iran ( Rusia dan China). Entah kapan kelarnya?

AS telah berlaku dengan nyata di depan mata dunia sebagai teroris terburuk di dunia, yaitu mengirim rudal lewat Dron ke dekat Bandara International Bagdad. Menewaskan Qasem Soleimani, pemimpin Pasukan Qud elit Korps Pengawal Revolusi Islam (IRGC). “We took action last night to stop a war,”  Kata Trump yang berbicara dari Mar-a-Lago resort,  Florida. Itu pengakuan ala teroris dengan bergumpal dendam kesumat. Dengan  penuh retorika ala teroris Trump menyampaikan alasannya melakukan serangan itu “We did not take action to start a war.”. Tetapi justru dengan serangan itu sebetulnya Trumps menabuh genderang perang terbuka terhadap Iran.

Selama ini di wilayah konplik baik di Suriah, Irak , Libanon, baik AS dan Iran tidak terlibat langsung. Mereka menggunakan proxy masing masing di wilayah konplik dengan memberikan dukungan senjata dan uang.  Semakin lama semakin banyak perang, semakin AS kalah di semua lini.  AS tahu bahwa dibalik operasi proxy iran dari Teluk Oman melalui Irak, Suriah, dan Libanon hingga pantai timur Laut Mediterania, orang yang paling bertanggung jawab adalah Qasem Soleimani. Ia bukan saja jago mengedalikan operasi inteligen Hizbullah tetapi juga jago membangun kartel politik di daerah konflik agar bersatu melawan proxy AS untuk kepentingan Iran.

Memang operasi yang dilakukan oleh Qasem Soleimani, tidak langsung dibawah presiden Iran. Ia langsung di bawah komando Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, pemimpin spiritual dan politik tertinggi di Iran. Gerakannya sebagian besar tetap tidak terlihat oleh dunia luar, bahkan setiap aksi proxy nya tidak pernah bisa dibuktikan terhubung dengan dia. Dengan serangan ini, para perwira Qud bersumpah akan balas dendam. Namun menurut saya, Iran tidak akan terpancing secara resmi perang terbuka dengan AS. Sekutu utama Iran, China telah memperingatkan Iran agar tetap tenang dan tidak terpancing provokasi AS.

Yang jelas dengan adanya serangan ini , bukannya membuat nyali para pejuang hizbullah surut, tetapi justru semakin membuat mereka militan.  Upaya AS untuk mengendalikan Irak paska kekalahan ISIS di Suriah dan Irak akan semakin sulit. Citra AS di Irak akan semakin memudar. Mengapa ? karena hizbullah secara ekonomi mampu memberikan bukti nyata melalui kadernya yang berkuasa di Irak untuk melakukan recovery ekonomi setelah perang 4 tahun dengan ISIS. Diplomasi AS di forum international untuk menekan Iran semakin sulit. Karena bagaimanapun, AS telah melanggar kode etik international dengan membunuh pejabat negara lain.  Sekali lagi Trumps semakin menunjukan dirinya kepada dunia bahwa dia idiot.

First of 4 LMS Delivered to RMN

December 31, 2019 Add Comment
31 Desember 2019

The Royal Malaysian Navy’s Littoral Mission Ship, KD Keris 111 (photo : MMP)

KUALA LUMPUR: The first of four Littoral Mission Ships (LMS) for the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) was handed over to the Defence Ministry today.

A ministry official in a statement said that the vessel Keris was handed over at a ceremony at Wuchuan Shipbuilding Industry Co Ltd at Wucang Port, Qidong, in Shanghai, China.

The Malaysian delegation was headed by the ministry’s procurement division secretary Datuk Ahmad Husaini Abdul Rahman.

Others present included Eastern Fleet commander Vice-Admiral Datuk Pahlawan Syed Zahrul Putra Syed Abdullah and Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd (BNSSB) chief executive officer Ee Teck Chee.

The statement said the Malaysian officials did a physical inspection of the vessel and its documents, and took part in a sailing demonstration.

This was followed by a signing ceremony for the acceptance of the vessel by BNSSB on behalf of the government.

Keris’ construction began on July 31, 2018, at Wuchuan Shuangliu Manufacture Base in Wuhan and successfully underwent sea trials.

The Royal Malaysian Navy’s Littoral Mission Ship, KD Keris 111 (photo : RMN)

It was then launched by Normah Alwi, wife of Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu, on April 15 this year and underwent final trials.

The LMS is part of the RMN’s ’15 to 5’ fleet transformation programme, which involves reducing its current 15 classes of vessels to just five - namely, the LMS, Multi-Role Support Ships (MRSS), Littoral Combat Ships (LCS), Patrol Vessels (PV) and submarines.

The LMS contract was signed between the ministry, BNSSB and China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Co Ltd on March 23, 2017.

It was the first major defence acquisition project from China, reportedly for a total RM1.17 billion.

The second LMS, Sundang, is also being built in China and is expected to be delivered in April.

The remaining two, to be deliverd by mid 2021, will be built in Malaysia through a joint-venture between BNSSB and China Shipbuilding and Offshore International.

An LMS can be used for maritime surveillance, border security as well as search and rescue operations.

The LMS is scheduled to be commissioned as KD Keris during a traditional ceremony by RMN chief Admiral Tan Sri Mohd Reza Mohd Sany on Jan 6.