Breaking Report: Before U.S. Drone Strike, Fears Soleimani Was in Iraq to Lead Coup, Arrest President Salih and Takeover U.S. Embassy

January 03, 2020
A report by Al Hurra reporter Steven Nabil shows that sources close to the Iraqi government said to him hours before the U.S. attack that killed Iran Quds Force leader Major General Qassem Soleimani as he arrived at the Baghdad airport–reportedly from Syria–that there were fears in the Iraqi government that Soleimani was going to lead a coup and overthrow the government, arrest President Barham Salih and takeover the U.S. embassy.

UPDATE: Drone Blast KILLS TOP LEADERS — al Quds Leader Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis Leader of Kata-ib Hizballah Who Attended Raids on Embassy


Iranians And Others Across Region Celebrating Tonight, With Hashtag Thanking Trump, #TnxPOTUS4Soleimani

Unlike any other president in my lifetime with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan, when Donald Trump says he's going to do something, he does it. And YUUUUGE. 
The President personally ordered an attack that vaporized the world's bloodiest terrorist Qassem Suleymani, responsible for the lives of scores of Americans and others. Also reportedly transformed into vapor was one Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, leader of an Iraqi paramilitary group behind the attempted storming of the US embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday. 
In response to that attack, the President hit them with a left jab by sending in reinforcements to defend American sovereign territory and lives, instead of leaving American citizens to die because saving their lives would mean exposing one's own criminality. The drone strike was the right uppercut to the Iranian regime and the truly revolting Democrat-Media Complex that actually wished American soldiers would die to politically hurt the President. See: Joy Reid, the walking knockwurst. 
Even now, their absolutely pathetic attempts to claim that all Suleimani's elimination will do will enrage the Muslim street and plunge us into another war is risible in the extreme. The typical response goes something like "well of course Suleimani has American blood on his hands, but Trump is an evil idiot for doing this because, reasons!" Hitting my Ben Roethelisberger cap lock: It's funny because Barack Obama spent eight years depleting our stockpile of cruise missiles to take out every damn sand flea from Tunisia to Pakistan and the Media yawned and stumbled over each other to light his spliffs! 
Meanwhile, back here on Planet Earth, real experts are calling the deaths of these two more important than even that of Osama Bin Laden. 

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