Soal UNBK/UNKP Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Pembahasan Tingkat MTs/SMP TP. 2019/2020.

August 02, 2019

Dalam menghadapi ujian Nasioanal nanti, kami berbagi Soal UNBK/UNKP Bahasa Inggris Tingkat MTs/SMP TP. 2019/2020.  

Soal ini sebagai persiapan dalam ujian nasional nantinya agar bisa menjawab soal dengan mudah.

Berikut Soal UNBK/UNKP Bahasa Inggris Tingkat MTs/SMP TP. 2019/2020:

1. Topik : Announcement

Indikator :Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi pertanyaan spesifik dari announcement


Read the following announcement for questions this number!

Due to the long holiday during the great nine students having the try out, all seventh grade students have to complete their English homework from page 50 to 56.

How many students having the try out?
A. 5 students
B. 7 students
C. 9 students
D. All seventh grade students

Jawaban: C


Pengumuman di atas memberitahukan bahwa sembilan siswa terbaik sedang melaksanakan uji coba, “...during the great nine students having the try out…”. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah c. 9 students.

2. Topik: Annoucement

Indikator: Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi pertanyaan spesifik dari announcement text

Read the following text for this questions !

To: All member of class 7-F

Our classroom will join “The Cleanest Class Competition 2018” on Saturday, March 12th 2018. To prepare it, please all the member of the classroom gather at school on Sunday March 5th 2018 at 9 a.m to start cleaning and decorating the classroom together.

Please come on time.

Afif Saifuddien

The true statement based on the text above is…
A. The information is for the students.
B. The place of the competition is in the auditorium.
C. The event will be held on 12 March.
D. The writer is a student.

Jawaban: C

Pernyataan yang sesuai dengan teks di atas adalah opsi C karena tanggal 12 Maret akan diadakan lomba kelas terbersih sebagaimana terdapat pada paragraf pertama.

3. Topik: Notice

Indikator: Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan definisi frasa yang terdapat pada notice text

Questions for this number!

The notice means that people are not allowed to….
A. Step in children’s play area
B. Bring their children to animal’s area
C. Eat in the children’s play area
D. Bring their animal to children’s play area

Jawaban: D

Pemberitahuan di atas berisi larangan untuk membawa anjing ke area bermain anak. Maka pernyataan yang sesuai adalah d. bring their animal to children’s play area.

4. Topik: Notice

Indikator: Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi pertanyaan spesifik dari notice text

Read the following text for this questions!

The antonym of the word “allow” in the notice above is….
A. Admit
B. Forbid
C. Agree
D. Permit

Jawaban: B


Kata allow memiliki makna ‘mengizinkan’. Antonim kata tersebut adalah “forbid” yang memiliki makna ‘melarang’. Sementara itu, kata admit bermakna ‘mengakui’, kata agree bermakna ‘menyetujui’ dan kata permit bermakna ‘mengizinkan’.

 5. Topik: Descriptive

Indikator: Peserta didik dapat mengkategorikan benar atau salah suatu pernyataan berdasarkan descriptive text

Read the following text for this questions!

Pink Beach

Pink Beach or Pantai Merah Muda is one of the beaches in Komodo Island, East Nusa Tenggara. The beach is called Pink Beach because the sand beach is pink. The pink color of its beach is a mixture of white sand beach colors mixed with crushed coral, shells, calcium carbonate from marine invertebrates that are very small, and also Foraminifera, microscopic amoeba that has a red body shell.

At Pink Beach, there are so many marine organisms. No fewer than 1,000 species of fish, 260 species of coral, and 70 species of sponge can be found here. Having so much marine life, this place is a proper spot for snorkeling and diving for sea sports lovers.

The beach is called Pink Beach because the sand beach is pink.
The synonym of the word “called” is….
A. Given
B. Named
C. Based
D. Related

Jawaban: B

Kata “called” bermakna ‘disebut’. Kata lain yang memiliki makna yang sepadan adalah kata named (A). Di lain sisi, kata given bermakna ‘diberikan’, kata based bermakna ‘berdasarkan’ dan kata related bermakna ‘dihubungkan’.

 6. Topik: Descriptive

Indikator: Peserta didik dapat menganalisis gagasan utama paragraf berdasarkan  descriptive text

Read the following text for this questions!

My House is divided into two floors. On downstairs, I have all the important parts of the house such as the kitchen, bathrooms, storage room and parking garage. On upstairs I have one room where I keep the washer and dryer and one big terrace.

Downstairs, the floor is divided in eight rooms, four of them are bedrooms, other two are bathrooms and then one kitchen and one dining room.

In my bedroom, I have a lot of things inside, such as a television, a playstation 3, and many trophies. In my sister's bedroom, there is a computer and in the other two bedrooms are for my parent and my other sister.

Normally we eat in everywhere we want, but on Sunday we eat together in the dining room. I really love my house, the place where we could share everything together.

The main idea of the first paragraph is…
A. Bedroom is the important room in my house.
B. There is a computer in my sister’s room.
C. My house is divided into two floors.
D. On upstairs there is a kitchen.

Jawaban: C

Pertanyaan pada soal adalah gagasan utama pada paragraf pertama dari teks. Paragraf pertama menceritakan tentang gambaran rumah secara keseluruhan yaitu dengan memiliki 2 lantai. Gagasan utama biasanya terletak pada awal paragraf seperti halnya pada teks. Oleh karena itu jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Demikian, semoga bermanfaat.

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