Prince of Thorns is eight years old!

August 01, 2019
Prince of Thorns is 8 years in print!

Check out the 7th, 6th5th4th3rd2nd, and 1st birthday round-ups. 

I now have 12 books on the shelves!

These ones came out in 2019 & there's one more to go yet!

Being a numbers guy as well as a words guy I like to keep track of things and record them for when I'm a doddery old guy looking back at my 'glory' days.
This year my books (or one of them at least) got translated into a 25th language (Farsi!)
On Goodreads Prince of Thorns has passed 80,000 ratings!

The Book of the Ancestor is staring to crowd The Red Queen's War off the first page of my author dashboard, and so for the first time I present two pages of it.

With a big push from Amazon the first book of my latest trilogy (Impossible Times - all out this year) has sold exceptionally well and has more Goodreads ratings than Holy Sister! It was for a week or so the single best selling ebook on, and the third best selling ebook on That feat saw it in crazy positions like being the world's top selling romance 😃 … it's not a romance book (though there is a love interest).

Prince of Thorns continues to attract ratings on Amazon:

I have been somewhat neglectful of the blog of late, and it's shown in plateauing traffic, but still ~40,000 hits a month isn't too shabby and we're close to 3 million hits in total.
I'm still plugging away on Twitter & my other social media, and according to English law I'm now officially a celebrity 😂.

Well, that's my annual stock-take. Over & out, until next year.

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