Case of the Week 555 - a Special Challenge!

August 02, 2019
Dear readers,
I am excited and humbled to be posting my 555th Parasite Case of the Week. I am continuously inspired by your comments, questions, and the rich discussion that occurs with each post. To mark this occasion, I'm asking you all to comment on ways that parasites relate to the number 5. I'll start you off with two that were previously suggested to me when I thought up this challenge:
  1. Pentatrichomonas hominis is a nonpathogenic intestinal flagellate named for its 5 flagella (penta from the Greek pente, meaning five + trich, pertaining to hair [flagella]). By Dr. Neil Anderson
  2. There are 5 lobes of the human lung, and all can be infected by Paragonimus species. By Brian Duresko
Feel free to be as creative as you'd like. 5-lined poems (e.g. limericks) are also accepted! I will post all of the responses next Friday, so you have all weekend and next week to think of ideas. Enjoy!

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