Yes, the United Nations is hiring "disarmament officers" in New York. The question is "why"?

January 10, 2020

From Law Enforcement Today:
NEW YORK – When the editor of Law Enforcement Today sent me a story to look into this morning, I laughed. There’s no way this is real, I thought. It must be some crazy conspiracy theory. 
After extensive research, I’m not laughing anymore. 
The United Nations has legitimately posted a job opportunity for English-speaking DISARMAMENT, DEMOBILIZATION, AND REINTEGRATION (DDR) OFFICERS. In. New. York. 
The most concerning duty listed in the job description is this: “Acts as a Focal Point for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) components for two to three missions, responsible for planning, support to implementation and evaluation.” 
To be clear, according to the UN’s website, Disarmament is: “The collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons of combatants and often also of the civilian population. 
Disarmament also includes the development of responsible arms management programmes.” Demobilization is “the formal and controlled discharge of active combatants from armed forces or other armed groups.

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