October 03, 2019

1.      Bobby: Congratulations, on achieving the 1st place in the singing contest. It was
      A                                       B
   really  surprised
Nowo       : Thank you. I Couldn’t have doneit without you
2.      My handbag is a black rectangular leather bag with a long tubular strapof the
            A                                             B
same material. The bag is about 18”X”12” in size with three compartements.
The compartment whicha zip in it is the centre one.
3.        Harry       : Can you describe Naomi ?
Jockie      : She’s high, dark  and beautiful.
                               B      C      D
4.      Kiki         : Why didn’t  you come to Tania’s party yesterday ?
Agam       : I am sorry, I wasn’t able tocome. If my father had gave
                                                              B                                                C                   
                 me permission,I Would have been there.
5.      When we had our trip to Bali last week, we got more cozieratmosphere than
A                                 B                           C
we had got before

Questions 6 to 8 refer to the following text.

Step 1    : Remove any rocks, sticks or other objects that would be uncomfortable to lay on
                 From the area where you’d like to build the tent. Not only will this make your
                Sleep more comfortable, it will also protect your tent from getting damaged.
Step 2    : Unroll the tent with the top facing upward over the cleaned area. Remove the                           tent poles from the tent bag and unfold them to assemble.
Step 3    : String the tent poles diagonally across the top of the tent using the sleeves on the
                 Tent to hold the poles. Use the elastic cords on each end of the tent to secure the
                 poles  in place and erect the tent.straighten the tent with your hands so that it
                rests evenly and sturdily over the poles.
Step 4    : Remove the stakes from the tent bag and use a hammer or large rock to pound               them into the ground through the loops around the perimeter of tge tent. Make
                 Sure the stakes are secure and do not shift easily when pulled on.
 6.        What is the instruction about ?
A.    Building a tent
B.     Cleaning the camp area.
C.     Sleeping comfortably in a tent.
D.    Protecting the tent from damaged.
7.        What do you have to do after removing the tent poles from the bag?
A.    Straighten the tent with your hands.
B.     Remove the stakes from the tent bag.
C.     Unroll the tent with the top facing upward.
D.    String the poles diagonally across the top tent.
8.        Remove the tent poles from tent bag and unfold them assemble.” ( step 2)
The synonym of the underlined word is..............
A.    Put on
B.     Get off
C.     Come out
D. Take away

Questions 9 and 10 refer to the following text.

David Suzuki is internationally known as an environmental activist and scientist. Although he is known for his radio broadcasts in Canada, he has become an international celebrity through the television show “ The Nature of Things”. Suzuki also co-founded the David Suzuki Foundation for the promotion of living in balance with the natural world.

David Suzuki was born on March 24,1936 in Vancouver,Canada from the spouse kaoru carr and Setsu Suzuki. Suzuki and his twin sister Marcia were grandchildren of Japanese immigrants who came to Canada in the early part of the 20th century. Because of his ancestry, Suzuki along with his family, was sent to an interment camp in British Columbia during the second World War.

When Suzuki and his family left the camps, they were forced by the government to move east of the Rockies. They chose Islington, Leamington, and London as their homes. It was during this time that Suzuki first became aware of his interest in nature.

Once the family settled in Leamington, Suzuki attended Mill Street Elementary School followed by London Central Secondary School in London with the family’s last move. After finishing preliminary education, Suzuki left Canada to Study at Amherst College in Massachusetts where he earned hi sBA followed by his Ph.D in Zoology from the University of Chicago. He  graduates in 1961 and began his career by studying genetics. British Columbia. He worked as a professor for almost forty years.

9.        When did David Suzuki graduate from the University of Chicago ?
A.    In 1936.
B.     In 1940.
C.     In 1961.
D.    In 1963.
10.             Suzuki was interested in nature when.....
A.    His family to the east of Rockies.
B.     He left University Chicago.
C.     He worked as a professor.

D.    He settled in Canada.

Questions 11 to 13 refer to the following text.

For  over 30 years, Interoffice has designed, manufactured and distributed high quality
Office furniture. Our products are designed by our Italian-based manufacturing facility, with a focus on durability and contemporary design. Our retail presence in central London allows us to demonstrate the range of products available, and lets our clients sample the furniture first-hand. Our strengths in furniture, planning and advise are what set us apart. Though we are based in London, We supply office furniture to clients across the UK, the US, Europe and Asian countries.
            We have worked with thousands of businesses, always offering a highly customized approach, as no two projects are the same. We also visit our clients at their own offices so we can help them plan and design their ideal office environment. Our interior design service is free of charge and our clients find it critical stage in the process, allowing them to visualize their office environment before the furniture is installed.

11.             The first paragraph talks about.......
A.    The service to the client
B.     The characteristic of the product
C.     The base manufacture in London
D.    Teh display of the office furniture
12.             We can conclude from the text that Interoffice.........
A.    Interior design service costs a lot
B.     Is concerned about the environment
C.     Offers home made furniture
D.    Products have gone abroad
13             Interoffice supplies its products to.........
A.    Italy
B.     Nigeria
C.     Australia
D.    New Zealand

Questions 14 to 16 refer to the following text.

Taylor, Inc694
Rockstar Lane
Durham, NC 2778

Dear Human Resources,
            I just read an article in the New Observer about Taylor’s new computer centre in North Durham. I would like to apply for a position as an entry-level Programmer at the centre.
            I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and documentation. I am a fresh graduate of De Vry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an Associate’s degree in Computer Science. In addition I have taken a broad range of courses, i Served as a computer consultant at the college’s computer centre where I helped training computer users on new systems.
Qi will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my education an experience match your needs. You can reach me at (919)233-1552.

Raymond Krick

14.             What is the text about ?
A.    An order letter
B.     An application letter
C.     A complaint letter
D.    A reservation letter
15.             What will the Human Resources Department probably do after reading the letter?
A.    Evaluate the salary offered.
B.     Start working at Talyor, Inc
C.     Promote Mr Krick to be a manager.
D.    Consider Mr Krick for an interview.
16.              “You can reach me at .....” (3rd paragraph)
The underlined word has the similar meaning to...........
A.    Take
B.     Send
C.     Give

D.    contact

Questions 17 to 26, choose the appropriate option to complete each dialogue

17.             Peter      : Have you seen Miss Jane ?
Mary     : She is in her office now,.....We will have monthly meeting this afternoon.
A.    She met some clients.
B.     She is preparing a report.
C.     She was checking documents
D.    She has attended the conference
18.             Devit     :  I don’t have enough money to pay this computer. If you lend me
Yunte    : With pleasure
Devit     : Thanks, I’ll pay back tomorrow
A.    I won’t buy that one
B.     I would be pleased
C.     I will get the new one
D.    I would have been all right

19.             Jack       : I am going to lombok next week and I’d love to take some picture...?
Rudy     : Sure, but please take care of it.
A.    May I borrow you pocket camera
B.     Can I lend you my mobile phone
C.     Would you give your digital lens
D.    Could you take some pictures

20.             Bob       : So,tell me a little about your brother! What does he do ?
Randy   : He works as computer specialist.
Bob       : Really? What is his main activity ?
Randy   :..........
A.    He had repaired computer
B.     He is programming computer
C.     He repairs and maintains computer.
D.    He will create new computer program.
21.             Receptionist    : Good Morning, Nirwala Hotel. Can I help you?
Caller                : Room 1023, please.
Receptionist    : I’m sorry, there is no answer....?
A.    What can I do for you
B.     How do you spell it.
C.     Can I take a message
D.    He is not in at the moment

22.             Mella    : Have you decide what to order
Nafila    : Not yet but I need something to quench my starving.
Mella    : Well,...........
A.    Can we have some orange juice ?
B.     What about trying some fruit salad ?
C.     Why don’t you eat this special fried rice ?
D.    Would you like to order strawberry ice cream ?

23.             Waiter   : Excuse me, sir.......?
Angga   : Yes,Sure. I’d like a glass of vanilla milkshake with strawberry ice cream on It.
A.    Do you want to bring some food
B.     Would you like to order now
C.     What would  you like to eat
D.    Shall I get you the menu

24.             Lumongga        : I’m thinking about quitting my studies.
Bertha               : Are you serious? What’s going on ?
Lumongga        : I need to help my family’s financial problem................
A.    I don’t want to work for a bigger company.
B.     I’m thinking about getting myself a job.
C.     I’m thinking about becoming a good student.
D.    I’m bored with my bad scores.

25.        Indro : Did you listen to the breaking news last night?...Lots of people were
                             Trapped by flames.
Danny : how terrible. Hope some of them are still alive.
A.    An earthquake damaged the monument.
B.     The flood destroyed many houses.
C.     Two taxi drivers were robbed by their passengers.
D.     A big broke out in a shopping centre.

26.        Sri          : Can you come to the seminar tomorrow morning ?
Wage     : Yes, of course. But.... I have appointment with my doctor at 7 a.m.
A.    I probably come late
B.     I must arrive on time
C.     I can’t be there
D.    I may not go

Questions 27 to 29 refer to the following text.

“Maspion Electric Iron”
How to use this product      :
1.      Use protector for (42)....... Operation
2.      First, (43)................... in the electricity
3.      Choose the suitable temperature for the fabric
4.      Spray the 100% cotton clothes with water or perfumes
5.      Start to iron the clothes from the collar, sleeves and body
6.      Iron the line if there is a fold
7.      After the shirt is (44)..........done, hang it
8.      Check the result and do it once more if it is necessary
9.      Put back the equipments
10. Finally, clean the working area

27.        A. Complete
B. safe
C. good
D. new

28.        A. plug
B. pull
C. put
D. go
29.        A. nicely
B. purely
C. carefully
D. completely 

Questions 30 to 32 refer to the following text.
                                                                                    October  12,2013

Amelia  Brown
Worlwide Travel Agency
72 North Street
Mayfield 12345

Dear Ms Amelia
I am interested in (45)..... at the Worldwide Travel Agency. I have three years (46).....
Experience as a travel agent. I also have a lot of experience working with computers, and I can use (47).........kinds of software.

I am enclosing my resume. I hope to hear good news from you soon

William Smith

30.        A. practicing
B. listening
C. working
D. living
31.        A. thoroughly
B. entirely
C. similar
D. difficult

32.        A. different
B. the same
C. similar
D. difficult

Questions 33 to 35 refer to the following text.

SMAN Harapan will be having a Grand alumni Homecoming on December 7, 2013
 at 2.00 p.m at Gajah Mungkur Hotel and Restaurant as the celebration of 10th Foundation Anniversary of SMAN Harapan

on thi regard, we are (48)....inviting you to attend the affair to meet you old friends, classmates, acquaintances and teachers.

The admission fee is Rp.250.000 per person (49).... at the venue. The admission (50)... Alumni T-shirt, Alumni ID, Alumni souvenir,dinner, live band and raffle draws.

For further inquiries, please contact our Alumni Secretariat at (021) 237-2382 or text us at 08173445631.

We look forward to your presence in this yearly celebration.

33.        A. impolitely
B. cordially
C. quickly
D. mostly

34.        A. countable
B. payable
C. notable
D. visible

35.        A.excludes
B. includes
C. gives
D. needs


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