Case of the Week 566

October 27, 2019
Happy Halloween everyone! In honor of this week, I have photos from my annual Halloween party, and a special 'unknown' from Old One. Feel free to guess what my guests' costumes were:

Me and Felicity with (unplanned) matching costumes. Any ideas what we were?
Me and Old One (so great to meet him in person!)
Heather and her 'life cycle' family
Natalia, Zerelda and Pooja representing the exposure and treatment course for this common parasite:
Another take on this fun parasite by Emily and Nick:
Rebecca, Aimee and Emily demonstrating the woes of being a Clinical Microbiology fellow:
Casey and his wife as another classic parasite:
Kyle and his tapeworm family:
There were many more wonderful costumes that I didn't get pictures of (and many that weren't parasite-related that I will post separately on Facebook). 
And last but not least, HERE is Old One's contribution of a hand-drawn case, animated by his son.

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