1. Course one: An overview on the peculiarities of the discourse about art

October 04, 2019
The members of the (artistic) discourse community share a number of features:
  • a set of common public goals
  • mechanisms of intercommunication
  • mechanisms to provide information and feedback
  • GENRES - which are specific to the common goals
  • specific lexis
  • discourse expertise in the specific field
TASK 1: Can you exemplify these common features: e.g. What common goals do artists have? Which are the mechanisms through which they communicate among themselves?
Art and communication : visual + verbal/linguistic

Visual communication: facilitated by such features as : theme, subject-matter, elements of design, principles of design/composition, iconography (signs, symbols).

Task 2: give some examples of how the artist may communicate a specific thing through one or more of the above features of the plastic discourse.

Linguistic/verbal communication: 

The artistic discourse community employs its own discourse, characterized by certain features:
  • specific vocabulary (the specific lexis)
- everyday words placed in a new, art-specific context (e.g. brush, installation, ground, glazing, etc)
- words from science and technology (e.g. de-gas; alkydic resin)
-word-formation (e.g. water-colour, aqua-tint, body colour, aquamarine, etc)
- borrowings (from French: e.g.frottage, sanguine, gouache, and Italian: e.g. sfumato, chiaroscuro, sgraffitto, etc )
- specific phrases (e.g. still life, life size, colour field, nonobjective art, found object, ready made, etc)
- trademarks/tradenames (e.g. a Picasso, a Chanel, an Impressionist, etc)
  •  specific morphology, syntax, semnatics, rhetoric (not extremely different from the general use, yet presenting a number  of peculiarities; see Artspeak and IAE = International Art English)
  •  specific GENRES

NOMENCLATURES = hierarchical arrangement of the terminology of an area of study ; they are probably the most important characteristic of any specific vocabulary.

subject-matter identifiable objects, stories, events; "what is depicted?"
  • representational/abstract/non-representational=nonobjective art
  • meaning=content
  • title
  • iconography + iconology
formal elements:
  • line (e.g. dominant/subordinate, smooth/jerky/brusque/jagged)
  • shape (e.g. geometric/biomorphic)
  • light/dark (value,key)
  • mass
  • volume
  • colour, hue, value, intensity/saturation/purity; primary/secondary/intermediate/analogous/monochromes/warm/cool
  • space (overlapped shapes, foreshortening, size, linear=geometric perspective + vanishing point/atmospheric=aerial perspective/realistic space/analogical,abstract space; three/bi-dimensional space
  • texture
  • time and motion
  • sound and smell
principles of design:
  • balance (symmetrical/approximately simmetrical/asymmetrical balance)
  • focal point
  • dominance
  • economy
  • rhythm
  • scale, proportion ("the golden section")
  • unity/variety
  • open/closed composition

purposes of art (functions that artworks may fulfill - in religious rituals, commemorating, assertion of power, honoring a person, recording an event, etc)

processes and materials/media
  • drawing (e.g. in silverpoint, in pastels, etc)
  • painting (e.g. in acrylics, oil paint, etc)
  • printmaking (relief/intaglio processes/engraving/drypoint/aquatint, etc)
  • sculpture (additive/subtractive; modelling, casting, assemblages, etc)
  • conceptual, representational, illusionistic, naturalistic, realistic, idealistic, abstract, non-representational;
  • Classical/Romantic/Baroque/Impressionistic/Expressionistic, etc
In addition, click the link below:

GENRES     = classes of communicative events (spoken, or written) which share communicative  purposes

The genres that we will be studying are:
  • the critical essay (the formal analysis, the expository essay, the compare and contrast essay, the argumentative essay);
  • the essay examination;
  • the research paper
  • the art review
  • the art news
  • the artist's statement
  • the artist's blog
  • the artist's home page/web site
  • the exhibition catalog

NOTE: for more detailed information and a deeper insight, please consult  the following books (in the UAD library) by Anda-Elena Cretiu: An ESP Perspective on Art-Related Discourse, EZway Books, LLC, Las Vegas, NV, 2004, chapter3- An overview of the peculiarities of the discourse about art, pp.71-100; the 1000 terms dictionary at the end may also be of some help + Art Terms - English-Romanian/ Romanian-English Dictionary, CCS, 2015. You may as well consider  Discourse and Communication in Visual Arts, CCS, 2014 (pp. 9-68) and 249-259

DEADLINE: October 20, 24 hrs.

Please bring comments under each section you may have something to add to. You are encouraged to come up with some new examples for each section.

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