Xam Helper Class 10th Social Science History Work, Life and Leisure

April 13, 2019

Very Short Answers Question

    1. Who wrote the novel, ‘The Gods Visit Earth’?
      1. In 1880, Durgacharan Ray wrote the novel—‘The Gods Visit Earth’.
    2. How much impressed were the Gods by the marvels of the city?
      1. The Gods were so impressed by the marvels of the teeming metropolis that they decided to build a museum and a High Court in Heaven.
    3. Which aspects of Calcutta city disturbed the Gods?
      1. The Gods were disturbed by its cheats and thieves, its grinding poverty and the poor quality of housing for many. They were also perturbed at the confusion of caste, religions and gender identities in the city.
    4. What were the contrasting images of the city in Durgacharan Ray’s Novel?
      1. The city seemed to offer a series of contrasting images and experiences—wealth, poverty, splendour and dirt, opportunities and disappointments.
    5. For what reasons were ancient cities known as?
      1. Cities were known for the big centres of political power, administrative network, trade and industry, religious institutions and intellectual activity and supported various social groups such as artisans, merchants and priests.
    6. What is a metropolis?
      1. It is a large densely populated city of a country or state, often the capital of the region. They combine political and economic functions for an entire region and support very large populations.
    7. Why did people migrate from the rural areas to industrial cities of Britain?
      1. The earlier industrial cities of Britain such as Leeds and Manchester attracted large numbers of migrants to the textile mills set up in the late 18th century.
    8. What kind of people lived in London during 19th century?
      1. London was a city of clerks and shopkeepers, of small masters and skilled artisans, of a growing number of semi-skilled and sweated outworkers, of soldiers and servants, of casual labourers, street sellers and beggars.
    9. Which industries in London employed large number of workers?
      1. Five major types of industries employing large workers were:
        1. Clothing and footwears
        2. Wood and furniture
        3. Metals and Engineering
        4. Printing and stationery
        5. Surgical Instruments, watches and objects of precious metal.
    10. What kind of criminals existed in London?
      1.  These were criminals who lived by stealing lead from roofs, food from shops, lumps of coal and clothes drying on the hedges. There were also cheats, tricksters, pickpockets and petty thieves.
    11. How did women increase family income in London?
      1. A large number of women used their homes to increase family income by taking in lodgers or through such activities as tailoring, washing or matchbox making.
    12. Which acts kept children away from Industrial work?
      1. The Compulsory Elementary Education Act in 1870.
      2. Factory Acts beginning from 1902.
    13. What is a tenement?
      1. Tenement is a run down and often overcrowded apartment house, especially in a poor section of a large city. Individual landowners put up cheap and usually unsafe tenements for the new arrivals.
    14. Why were one room houses seen as serious threat to public health?
      1. They were overcrowded, badly ventilated and lacked sanitation.
    15. What steps were taken to clean up London?
      1. Attempts were made to decongest localities, green the open spaces, reduce pollution and landscape the city.
    16. What did architect Ebenezer Howard plan for London?
      1. Architect and planner Ebenezer developed the principle of the Garden City, a pleasant space full of plants and trees, where people would both live and work.
    17. How did Raymond Unwin and Barry Parker design the city of Earswick?
      1. There were common garden spaces, beautiful views and great attention to detail. In the end, only well-off workers could afford these houses.
    18. When was the first underground railway section opened in London?
      1. The very first section of the Underground train in the world opened on 10th January, 1863 between Paddington and Farrington Street in London.
    19. What was the role of family during Industrialisation?'
      1. In the 18th century, the family had been a unit of production and consumption as well of political decision making. The function and the shape of the family were completely transformed by life in the industrial city.
    20. What do you understand by the ‘theory of Individualism?’
      1. It is a theory which promotes the liberty, rights or independent actions of the individual, rather than of the community.
    21. What were Chartism and 10-hour movements?
      1. Chartism was a movement demanding the vote for all adult males and the 10-hour movement limited the hours of work in factories.
    22. How did wealthy Britishers use their leisure time?
      1. Several cultural events like the opera, the theatre and classical music performances were organised for an elite group of 300–400 families in the late 18th century.
    23. How did working class use their leisure time to relax?
      1. Working class met in pubs to have a drink, exchange news and sometimes also to organise for political action.
    24. Who was Baron Haussmann?
      1. The chief architect of the new Paris was Baron Haussmann.
    25. What does Haussmanisation mean?
      1. Haussmanisation means forcible reconstruction of cities to enhance their beauty and impose order. The poor were evicted from the city to reduce the possibility of political rebellion and to beautify the city.
    26. Why were Presidency cities called multi-functional cities?
      1. These were multifunctional cities as they had major ports, warehouses, homes and offices, army camps as well as educational institutions, museums and libraries.
    27. How did Britishers get control of Bombay?
      1. In 1661, control of seven islands of Bombay were passed into British hands after the marriage of Britain’s King Charles II to the Portuguese princess.
    28. How did British make use of Bombay City?
      1. Bombay was the major outlet for cotton textiles from Gujarat. Later the city functioned as a port through which large quantities of raw materials such as cotton and opium would pass slowly. Bombay became an important administrative centre and then by the end of the nineteenth century, a major industrial centre.
    29. What was the Bombay Fort Area?
      1. The Bombay Fort Area which formed the heart of the city in the early 1800s was divided between a ‘native town’, where most of the Indians lived and a European or ‘white’ section.
    30. Who lived in spacious bungalows in Bombay?
      1. Richer Parsi, Muslims and upper caste traders and industrialists of Bombay lived in sprawling, spacious bungalows.
    31. What were ‘Chawls’?
      1. Chawls were multistoreyed structures, which had been built like the tenements of London. These houses were largely owned by private landlords like merchants, bankers and building contractors, looking for quick ways of ear
    32. How were streets of Chawls used?
      1. Streets were used for different types of leisure activities like magic of magicians, monkey players or performances of acrobats.
    33. Who was a jobber?
      1. A jobber in the mills helped migrants to get jobs in the mills, settled disputes, organised food supplies and also arranged informal credit for them.
    34. What was the role of ‘The City of Bombay Improvement Trust’?
      1. It was established in 1898. It focused on clearing of the poorer houses out of the city centre.
    35. What does ‘reclamation’ mean?
      1. It means attempting to make land suitable for building or farming. The reclaiming of marshy or submerged areas or other wasteland for settlements, cultivation or other use.
    36. Which was the earliest reclamation project of Bombay?
      1. The earliest project began in 1784. In it, the Bombay Governor William Hornby approved the building of the great sea wall, which prevented the flooding of the low-lying areas of Bombay.
    37. How is Bombay depicted in the earliest filmy songs?
      1. In the film CID (1956) hero’s buddy sings, “Ai dil hai Mushkil Jeena Yahan; Zara hatke zara bachke, yeh hai Bombay meri Jaan”, and in Guest House (1959) it was “Ziska Juta Usika Sar, dil hai chhote bada shahar, are vah re vah teri Bombai”.
    38. Which was Bombay film Industry’s’ First film?
      1. Raja Harishchandra in 1913, was the first film of Bombay, directed by Dadasaheb Phalke.
    39. How did coal in Industrial cities of London raise serious problems?
      1. In industrial cities such as Leeds, Bradford and Manchester, hundreds of factory chimneys spewed black smoke into the skies. People joked that most inhabitants of these cities grow up believing that the skies were grey and all vegetations were black
    40. What was the main complaint of the people living around these cities?
      1. People complained about the black fogs that descended on their towns, causing bad tempers, smoke-related illnesses and dirty clothes.
    41. What did the people do to make their cities smoke free in Britain?
      1. They forced the government to make laws to control smoke in the city. But smoke was not easy to monitor or measure, and owners got away with small adjustments to their machinery that did nothing to stop the smoke.
    42. What were the main pollutants of Calcutta?
      1. High level of pollution was due to the use of dung and wood as fuel by the people. But the main polluters were the industries and establishments that used steam engines run on coal.
    43. When was the first smoke nuisance law passed in India?
      1. In 1863, Calcutta became the first Indian city to get smoke nuisance legislation.
    44. What was the impact of burning rice husk in Calcutta?
      1. Residents complained that the air was filled with black soot which falls like drizzling rain from morning till night, and it was impossible to live.

Short Answers Question

    1. Give three historical processes which have shaped modern cities in decisive ways.
      1. The rise of industrial capitalism.
      2. The establishment of colonial rule over large parts of the world.
      3. The development of democratic ideas in many countries of the world.
    2. How were the cities different from villages?
      1. Towns and cities that first appeared on river valleys were larger in scale than any other human settlements.
      2. Ancient cities could develop only when an increase in food supplies was made.
      3. Cities were often the centres of political power, trade and industry, religious institutions and supported various social groups like artisans, merchants and priests.
    3. What was the condition of children during the 18th and 19th centuries?
      1. Large number of children were pushed into low-paid work, often by their parents.
      2. A child was forced into crimes as it was thought that he could earn more from stealing than by making matchboxes a week.
      3. It was only after the Compulsory Elementary Education Act, in 1870 and Factory Acts, in 1902 that children were kept out of industrial work.
    4. What was the condition of poor labourers in London?
      1. Factory or workshop owners did not house the migrant workers; instead, individual landowners put up cheap and unsafe tenements for the workers.
      2. A study shows that about one million Londoners were very poor and were expected to live upto an average age of 29. These people were more than likely to die in a workhouse, hospital or lunatic asylum.
      3. Better-off city dwellers demanded that slums be cleared away.
    5. What steps were taken to clean up London?
      1. Attempts were made to decongest localities, make the open spaces green, reduce pollution and landscape the city.
      2. Large blocks of apartments were built.
      3. Demands were made for new ‘lungs’ for the city and the idea of Green belt around London was offered.
    6. What were the reasons for the breaking down of the family as an institution?
      1. Women of the upper and middle classes faced higher level of isolation.
      2. Ties between members of the household loosened and among the working class, the institution of marriage tended to break down.
      3. Many social reformers felt that the family as an institution had broken down, due to working women so they need to push these women back into their homes
    7. State how a city’s large population was both a threat and an opportunity.
      1. In the severe winter of 1886, when outdoor work came to a standstill, the London’s poor exploded in a riot demanding removal of poverty.
      2. Many shopkeepers closed their shops as thousands marched from Deptford to London. They were dispersed by the police.
      3. A similar riot occurred in 1887, which was also brutally suppressed by the police and what is known as the Bloody Sunday of November 1887.
      4. Two years later, thousands of dockworkers went on strike.
      5. So, large masses could be drawn into political causes in the city. A large population in a city was therefore, both a threat and an opportunity.
    8. How did industrialisation change the form of urbanisation in the modern period?
      1. The earlier industrial cities of Britain such as Leeds and Manchester attracted large numbers of migrants to the textile mills set up in the late 18th century.
      2. In 1851, more than three-quarters of the adults living in Manchester were migrants from rural areas.
      3. The city of London was a powerful magnet for migrant populations.
    9. What was the status of women folk in the conservative industrial towns?
      1. Women of upper and middle classes faced higher level of isolation, although their lives were made easier by domestic maids.
      2. Women who worked for wages had some control over their lives particularly among the lower social classes.
      3. As women lost their industrial jobs and conservative people railed against their presence in public plans, women were forced to withdraw into their homes.
    10. What was the role of a ‘Jobber’ in the chawls?
      1. He settled disputes.
      2. He organised food supplies, or arranged informal credit for the people in chawls.
      3. He also brought important information on political developments.
    11. What changes were brought in London city after the Industrial Revolution?
      1. Older cities like London changed dramatically when people began pouring in after the Industrial Revolution.
      2. Factory or workshop owners did not house the migrant workers.
      3. Instead, individual landowners put up cheap and usually unsafe tenements for the new arrivals.
    12. How did Charles Dickens in his novel ‘Dombey and Son’ depict the massive destruction in the process of construction of underground railway?
      • Dickens had depicted the process of construction in the following manner:
      • 19th century London was a city of clerks and shopkeepers, of small masters and skilled artisans, of soldiers and servants, of casual labourers, street sellers and beggars.
      • “Houses were knocked down; streets broken through and stopped; deep pits and trenches dug in the ground; enormous heaps of earth and clay thrown up, there were a hundred thousand shapes and substances of incompleteness, wildly mingled out their plans, upside down, burrowing in the earth... .”
    13. Describe the influx of migrants in Bombay.
      1. Bombay became the capital of Bombay Presidency in 1819 after the Maratha defeat in AngloMaratha war. The city quickly expanded.
      2. With the growth of trade in cotton and opium, large communities of traders and bankers as well as artisans and shopkeepers came to settle in Bombay.
      3. The establishment of textile mills led to a fresh surge in migration.
    14. How was ‘Marine Drive’ devised?
      1. A successful reclamation project was undertaken by the ‘Bombay Port Trust’, which built a day dock between 1914 and 1918 and used the excavated earth to create the 22 acre Ballad Estate. Subsequently, the famous Marine Drive of Bombay was developed.

Long Answers Question

    1. Briefly explain the rise of London as an industrial and modern city.
      “During the 19th century, the city of London was a powerful magnet for migrant population.” Support the statement with examples.
      1. Industrialisation changed the form of urbanisation in the modern period.
      2. The early industrial cities of Britain such as Leeds and Manchester attracted large number of migrants to the textile mills set up in the late 18th century.
      3. The city of London was a powerful magnet for migrant populations, even though it did not have large factories.
      4. London was a colossal city and its population expanded four-fold from 1 million to 4 million, as the Industrial Revolution attracted more and more people.
    2. ‘Bombay was a Prime City of India.’ Justify by giving examples.
      1. the Portuguese control.
      2. In 1661, control of islands passed into British hands after the marriage of Britain’s King Charles II to the Portuguese princess.
      3. The East India Company quickly shifted its base from Surat, its principal western port, to Bombay.
      4. In the 19th century, the city functioned as a port through which large quantities of raw materials such as cotton and opium would pass.
      5. Gradually, it also became an important administrative centre in Western India, and then, by the end of the 19th century, a major industrial centre.
    3. Explain how a city like Calcutta faced the problem of environmental pollution.
      1. Since the city was built on marshy land, the resulting fog combined with smoke, and generated a thick black smog.
      2. High levels of pollution was due to the huge population that used dung and wood as fuel in their daily lives.
      3. Main pollutants were the industries and establishments that used steam engines run on coal.
      4. Rice mills of Tollygunge began to burn rice husk instead of coal, leading to black soot which fell like drizzling rain.
    4. How did crime grow in London? How were authorities able to control them?
      1. In London, there were about 20,000 criminals in the 1870s.
      2. The police were worried about the law and order situation.
      3. So the population of criminals was counted, their activities were watched and their ways of life were investigated.
      4. In mid 19th century, Henry Mathew, wrote several articles on the London labour and those, who made their living from crime.
      5. Many criminals were poor, who lived by stealing lead from roofs, food from shops, lumps of coal and clothes drying on the hedges.
      6. There were cheats and tricksters, pickpocketers and petty thieves, crowding the streets of London.
      7. In an attempt to discipline the population, the authorities imposed high penalties for crime and offered work to those, who were considered the ‘deserving poor’.
    5. Describe the life in Chawls of Bombay.
      1. Chawls were multi-storeyed structures built and owned by private landlords such as merchants, bankers and building contractors.
      2. Each chawl was divided into smaller one-room tenements, which had no private toilets.
      3. Many families could reside at a time in a tenement.
      4. People had to keep the windows of their rooms closed even in humid weather due to close proximity of filthy gutters, buffalo stables, etc.
      5. Though water was scarce, and people often quarrelled every morning for a turn at the tap, observers found that houses were kept quite clean.
    6. How did people entertain themselves in the Chawls?
      1. Liquor shops and akharas came up in every empty spot.
      2. Magicians, monkey players or acrobats used to perform their acts on the streets.
      3. The Nandi bull used to come to predict the future.
      4. Chawls were also the place for the exchange of news about jobs, strikes, riots or demonstrations.
    7. How did various architects develop the concept of Garden City of London?
      1. Architect and planner Ebenezer Howard developed the principle oftheGarden city,a pleasant space full of plants and trees, where people would both live and work.
      2. He believed this would also produce better quality citizen.
      3. Following Howard’s ideas, Raymond Unwin and Barry Parker also designed the garden city of New Earswick.
      4. There were common garden spaces, beautiful views and great attention to detail. Well off workers could afford these houses.
    8. Did new spirit of individualism affect the family institution in cities?
      1. The city of London encouraged a new spirit of individualism among both men and women and a freedom from the collective values that were a feature of the smaller rural communities.
      2. Both men and women did not have equal access to this new urban space.
      3. As women lost their industrial jobs, conservative people spoke against their presence in public spaces, women were forced to withdraw into their houses.
      4. The public space became increasingly a male preserve and home was seen as the proper place for women.
        So this theory of individualism promoted liberty, rights or independent action of the individual, rather than of the community or the family.
    9. What was the pace of development of cities in India in the early 20th century?
      1. In a sharp contrastto western Europe,the Indian cities did not mushroom in the 19th century.
      2. The pace of urbanisation in India was slow under the colonial rule.
      3. In the early 20th century, not more than 11 per cent of Indians were living in the cities.
      4. A large proportion of these urban dwellers were residents of the three Presidency cities, the multifunctional cities, having major ports, warehouses, homes and offices, army camps as well as educational institutions, museums and libraries.
    10. Give a brief description of land reclamation in Bombay
      1. The earliest project began in 1784. The Bombay governor William Hornby approved the building of the great sea-wall which prevented the flooding of the low lying areas of Bombay.
      2. Since then, there have been several reclamation projects.
      3. The need for additional commercial space in the mid 19th century led to the formulation of several plans both by government and private companies for the reclamation of more land from the sea.
      4. In 1864, the Back Bay Reclamation Company won the right to reclaim the western foreshore from the tip of Malabar Hills to the end of Colaba.
      5. Reclamation often meant levelling of the hills around Bombay.
      6. As the population continued to increase rapidly in the early 20th century, every bit of available area was built over and new areas were reclaimed from the sea.
    1. Describe in brief how did ‘The city of Calcutta’ both amaze and confuse the Gods. OR Which features impressed the Gods when they visited Calcutta, as given in Durgaharan Ray’s novel, “The Gods visit Earth.”
      1. In the novel, Brahma the creator took a train to Calcutta with some other Gods and was highly impressed.
      2. They were wonderstruck by the big-modern city—the train, the large ships on the river Ganges, factories belching smoke, bridges and monuments and a number of shops selling a wide range of commodities.
      3. The Gods were so impressed by the marvels of the teeming metropolis that they decided to build a Museum and a High Court in Heaven also.
      4. The whole city was brimming with opportunities for trade and commerce, education and jobs.
      5. Gods were disturbed by the city’s cheats and thieves, its grinding poverty and the poor quality of housing for many who lived in Jhuggis.
      6. Brahma himself was tricked into buying a pair of cheap glasses and when he tried to buy a pair of shoes, he was greatly confused by the shopkeepers, who accused one another of being swindlers.
      7. The Gods were also perturbed at the confusion of caste, religion and gender identities in the city.
      8. All social distinctions that appeared to be natural and normal seemed to be breaking down.
    2. State the main reason behind town planning in Bombay. How did it differ from total planning in London?
      1. From its earliest days, Bombay did not grow according to any plan and houses, especially in the Fort area, which were scattered with gardens.
      2. The Bombay Fort area which formed the heart of the city was divided between native town, where most of the Indians lived, and a European or ‘white section’.
      3. With the rapid and unplanned expansion of the city, the housing and water supply became acute by the mid 1850s.
      4. Like the European elite, the rich Parsis, Muslims and upper-caste traders and industrialists of Bombay lived in spacious bungalows.
      5. In contrast, 70 per cent of the working class lived in thickly-populated chawls.
    3. Why is Bombay a ‘city of dreams’ for some, while a city of hardship for others? Explain.
      • Bombay was a city of dreams:
      1. Bombay is even today called as ‘Maya Nagari’ ‘Mayapuri’ as it fulfills the dreams of many aspiring people to Join film world in this city.
      2. Since British established cotton textile Industries, it attracted lot of workers from nearby regions for job opportunities. 
      • Bombay was a city of hardships:
      1. It’s a reclaimed elongated city located on a sea coast. It lacked housing facilities. Many people lived in hardships in small one room accommodation called chawls.
      2. It is a costly city which made the life of daily wage earner very miserable.
      3. People had to travel long distances to go to their work places.
    1. Name the designers of the Garden City of New Earswick.
    2. Who wrote ‘The Butter Cry of Outcast London’?
    3. In which year did the first cotton mill set up in Bombay?
    4. Which company won the right to reclaim the Western foreshore of Bombay in 1864?
    5. Mention the unique feature of the ‘Fort area’ of Bombay in early 1800s.
    6. Who are philanthropists? Explain any two steps taken to control crime in London in 1870s.
    7. Why did housing become an important concern for the people of London in the early 20th century? State measures to be taken to solve the problem.
    8. Describe the people’s life conditions of Chawls in Bombay.
    9. What steps were taken to clean London in the early and mid 20th century? Write 5 points.
    10. Describe 5 problems of travelling in the underground railway of London.
    11. Analyse the massive reclamation projects undertaken to develop Bombay.
Important Terms:
    1. Metropolis: The capital or chief city of a country or region.
    2. Urbanisation: It is predominantly the process by which towns and cities are formed and become larger as more people are living and working in central areas.
    3. Philanthropist: A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
    4. Tenement: A run-down and often overcrowded apartment house, especially in a poor section of a large city. 5.
    5. Asphyxiation: The state or process of being in the lack of supply of oxygen, which can result in unconsciousness or death; suffocation.
    6. Individualism: The habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant.
    7. Presidency cities: The British government in India had developed three administrative regions. These were known as ‘Presidencies’.
    8. Anglo-Maratha War: There were three wars fought between the British East India Company and Maratha Empire in India.
    9. Dockyard workers: A person employed in a port to load and unload ships; a dock.
    10. Chawls: Chawls were multi-storeyed buildings which had been built around the 1860s.
    11. Depressed Classes: The Act introduced the term ‘Scheduled Castes’, defining the group as ‘such castes, races or tribes, which appear to His Majesty in Council to correspond to the classes of persons formerly known as the ‘Depressed Classes’.
    12. Reclamation: The process of claiming something back or of reasserting a right.
    13. Nuisance: A person or thing causing inconvenience or annoyance.
Important Events:
    • 1616 – Bombay came under the British Colonial control due to the marriage alliancebetween Britain’s King Charles II to the Portuguese Princess.
      1819 – Bombay became the capital of the Bombay Presidency after the Maratha defeat in the Anglo-Maratha War.
      1840s – Laws for controlling smoke in cities like Leeds, Manchester and Derby.
      1847 – Smoke Abatement Acts
      1854 – First cotton textile mill was established in Bombay.
      1863 – Calcutta became the first Indian city to get smoke nuisance legislation.
      1863 – First underground railways in the world opened between Paddingtion and Farrington street in London.
      1864 – The Back Bay Reclamation Company won the right of reclaiming the Western foreshore from the tip of Malabar Hills to the end of Colaba.
      1870 – Compulsory Education Act in Britain.
      1870s – Women demanded voting rights.
      1896 – Harishchandra Sakharam Bhatwadekar shot a scene of wrestling match in Bombay’s hanging garden and it became the India’s first movie.
      1898 – The city of Bombay Improvement Trust was established.
      1902 – Factory Act in Britain
      1917 – Russian Revolution
      1919-1926 – Women formed 23% of the mill workforce.
      1925 – Bombay became the capital of India.
      Late 1930s – Women’s jobs were increasingly taken over by machines or men.
      19th century – Chartism Movement – demanding voting rights for all adult males. (1838-1857)

Xam Idea Class 10th Social Science History  Work, Life and Leisure

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