Cloud 9 was a superhero in the Marvel universe who was recruited into The Initiative, a huge group of superheroes that were assigned to a team per state in USA. She had control over this cloud-like gas that let her fly and do superhero stuff with haha.
I think during that phase in the Marvel comics universe, there were a lot of characters like Cloud 9 that were introduced but never really got a lot of exposure after.
If you're wondering who that guy is on the left, he's our next MOC so stay tuned! (On the right is WM's Tigra)
I wanted a look that had that helmet along with the blonde hair, but I don't think a piece exists yet and I didn't have experience with cutting hairs and making them fit with each other well.
Parts used:
Torso - Pilot from CMF Series 3 (This one's original Lego but I think some alternate brands have made this too)
Others - Generic
I used the web piece from a Spider-Man minifigure to represent the cloud gas, but I'm sure there are other alternative pieces we can use.
Below are my old designs for the MOC, but the suit is a bit more

Here's one of her looks in the comics that I chose to get inspiration from.
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