Two Australian Companies Chosen for Submarine Work

December 03, 2019
03 Desember 2019

Attack class submarine and submarine construction yard equipment (all photos : Naval Group)

Naval Group Australia Sign the Largest Contract to Date for the Procurement of Future Submarine Construction Yard Equipment

Australian suppliers Berendsen Fluid Power and H.H Machine Tools Australia (H&H) will partner with two international companies to deliver and sustain the Medium Capacity Press, High Capacity Press and Large Capacity Milling Machines (LCMM) for the Attack Class submarines. The contracts are the largest signed by Naval Group Australia to date and will see Australian industry share in around $20m worth of work.

H.H has formed a strategic partnership with German supplier Starrag to supply the LCMM, a large multipurpose cutting tool which will perform a variety of roles in relation to the forming of submarine hull parts. The machine will be the largest milling machine in Australia. This partnership will bring together the know-how of two high quality machine tool manufactures.

Berendsen has formed a strategic partnership with French supplier Pinette (an existing Collins Class submarine supplier) to supply both the Medium and High Capacity Presses. The Medium and High Capacity Presses (HCP) will shape the steel required for the hull and bulk head of the submarines.

“These partnerships will result in the creation of an enduring Australian capability, not currently in existence. Both H.H and Berendsen will be involved in the equipment’s full life cycle, and be transferred the knowledge, skills, documentation and tools to ensure they become the in-country sustainment partners for the next 50 years,” said John Davis, CEO, Naval Group Australia.

L-R John Davis, CEO, Naval Group Australia; Marcus Queins, Managing Director Product Range, Starrag; Thomas Hegmann, Managing Director H.H.

H.H and Berendsen will be involved in all critical phases of the project. In the design phase, H.H and Berendsen employees will be trained overseas and draw on their local expertise to ensure the certification of design compliance for all three pieces of equipment to Australian standards. In the manufacturing phase, H.H and Berendsen will manufacture major components for the equipment such as electrical cabinets, wiring and hydraulics.

“It’s a great honour to be selected, along with our partner Starrag for the Future Submarine Program,” said Thomas Hegmann, Managing Director, H.H.

“For a small Australian company to have the opportunity to work with such a renowned international supplier is really something. We now have a huge opportunity to grow to support all of the components we will have to make, from people to factories to machinery.

“My advice to other Australian suppliers is be a specialist and find your niche. You can’t do everything. You have to be good at what you do and go for it,” said Mr Hegmann.

Naval Group has performed an extensive procurement process over a period of 18 months for the Submarine Construction Yard equipment to achieve the best program outcome.

While the Submarine Construction Yard is still being designed, the awarding of these contracts needed to take place so the size and scale of the equipment’s foundations could be incorporated into the building design.

(Naval Group)

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