Philippine Marine Corps Wants to Have 24 AAVs

December 28, 2019
29 Desember 2019

PMC want to add 16 more AAVs from the 8 that already have (all photos : MaxDefense)

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Navy hopes to get additional amphibious assault vehicles (AAVs) and multi-purpose attack craft (MPAC) in a bid to further enhance its modernization efforts.

Navy chief Vice Adm. Robert Empedrad said they would need 16 more AAVs as it aimed to acquire two more strategic sealift vessels in addition to its two existing units.

“With the force mix of six AAVs per strategic sealift vessel, we need additional 16 AAVs since we will acquire two more strategic sealift vessels,” Empedrad said at the Navy headquarters in Manila.

“The versatile AAVs not only enhance by large ship-to-shore capabilities of the Philippine Marine Corps but can also provide combat firepower in different types of terrain as well as protection of Marine warriors,” he said.


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