My writing decade.

December 31, 2019

I have been occupied with the business of authoring for the whole of the decade just about to expire.
Here's an email I got in January 2010:

Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010, 11:27:34 AM GMT
Subject: The Hundred War

Dear Mark, 
Thank you for approaching the agency. I enjoyed the opening chapters and would very much like to read the rest of the script. This is exactly the sort of fantasy I enjoy and for which there is a buoyant market. You can send me a printout at the address below or email it to me.
Two minor housekeeping points: please (1) indent each paragraph by one hit on the tab key and (2) don’t leave a line between each paragraph.
I look forward to seeing how the story develops.
Kind Regards
& then in March less than 2 months later:
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 5:09:48 PM GMT Subject: You have a deal Dear Mark, I am delighted to report that we have a deal for PRINCE OF THORNS plus two sequels. There will be others to follow, as the main deal with Ace books is for World English Language rights; we are now negotiating for translation rights and indeed, have just concluded a deal in Germany. The interest in PRINCEOF THORNS was so great that it went to an auction between publishers both sides of the Atlantic with four of the big British companies bidding and three American. Editors kept saying that Jorg is exactly the character they have been looking for, and loved the verve and style of the whole thing.

I remember being stunned by the phone call that preceded the email, and floored by the size of the advance being offered. My research had led me to expect something in the $5,000 range, and what I got instead broke into six figures and kept on going for a fair way after that. I had my very disabled daughter on my lap during the call, and afterwards I 'hung' her on my shoulder (she was able to be carried at that age) and went into the kitchen to tell my wife. She took one look at my face and thought that Celyn had died on me or something. Anyway, it has been a priviledge to write books for publication for the past 10 years. It added colour and hope into a very stressful existence at the time. It also meant that when the Advanced Research Group I worked in closed down unexepectedly five years later, making ~150 Ph.D scientists redundant, I was able to transition smoothly into full time writing. I've no idea how long my luck in these endeavours will continue and I've taken care not to define myself by the success of my writing as it's an ephemeral thing that contains large elements of chance. But if the 2020's allow, then I shall endeavour to put many more books before you. Have a great new year, all. Mark


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