[azddjhee] Winning the BOTW opening

December 07, 2019

At some point, subjectively, in Zelda BOTW, you have enough stuff that the world is your oyster, and what you do next is limited only by your imagination.  This where the game starts getting fun (not having to worry so much about mere survival), though others might say this is where the game stops being fun.

Roughly, it means having established convenient access (typically via fast travel or through armor) to good (plentiful, renewable) sources of

This list is subjective; others might include other things (e.g., Revali's Gale, full climbing set upgraded to level 2, upgraded Runes).

There are many ways to get to this point, some which have other prerequisites, making this early part of the game fun (for some) and interesting in its many possibilities.  Two examples:

Stealth can be satisfied by buying the Sheikah suit, but that requires lots of Rupees.

Unlocking Faron Tower gets you a good source of Hearty Durians, Mighty Bananas, and a Hinox to steal good weapons from.  However, that requires having the skills and/or equipment to defeat the enemies around it (primarily the electric wizzrobe), having enough stamina to climb it (or using updrafts), and having enough stealth (and skill) to steal from Hinoxes.

As game design, how difficult should getting to this "oyster" point be?  It's easy to imagine a game in which you never reach this point, e.g., no renewable resources and everything (including armor) having limited durability.  But I don't think a game like that would be very fun.  (Too similar to real life?)

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