Win Dispel Illusion!

November 05, 2019

Dispel Illusion is out in ebook on November 14th.

And for reasons beyond my ken it's December 31st for the paperbacks and hardbacks.

But you, dear reader, could be holding a physical copy in your hot little hands much sooner than that!

This contest has as prizes 2 signed hardbacks and 3 signed paperbacks!

All you have to do to enter is either:

Send a photo of you that includes some kind of clock / time-telling device.


Send a photo of you that includes some kind of illusion, no matter how lame.

The 3 paperbacks will be awarded RANDOMLY.

The 2 hardbacks will go to the best entries - best being some combination of … interesting / clever / aesthetically pleasing.

Mail your entries with the heading DI contest to me at

One entry per person - open internationally - ends on November 13th.

Random Winners = 1, 28, 12

Quality Winners (randomly chosen from a smaller set) = 21, 33

Entries will be shown here:

#36 Emmerentia

#35 Brittney

#34 Karl

#33 Jasmine

#32 Brandon

#31 Kristin

#30 Andrea

#29 Jack

#28 Pamela

#27 Simon

#26 Jeremy

#25 Matt

#24 Chris

#23 David

#22 Lisa

#21 Anthony

#20 Trey

#19 Gino

#18 Tammy

#17 Brendon

#16 Arkadiy

#15 Steve

#14 Helen

#13 Matt

#12 Matthew

#11 Shonnie-Lee

#10 Aurel

#9 Tim

#8 Nita

#7 Bhavna

#6 Rob

#5 Joey & Danielle

#4 Grayson

#3 Maggi

#2 Sethia

#1 John

Join my 3-emails-a-year newsletter #Prizes #FreeContent 

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