Announcement: DTB Is Now On Reddit!

March 04, 2020


Secondary headline:
Facebook decides that this website is against their community standards. 

I've acted on this situation in two ways: 1st is by already reaching out to Facebook Support to ask why (then eventually asking them to unban or at least how I can help unban the URL) and 2nd by creating this new subreddit. 

I know that Reddit isn't as popular as Facebook, but it'll be difficult to use Facebook starting today so having a subreddit is better than nothing. Additionally, the use of Reddit will make our content more collaborative and more interactive; I know I haven't been the best at entertaining or helping with inquiries (mainly because I graduated from school and is now working :( ) and so a subreddit community can become another way of helping each other, plus it'll be more voices than just mine.

I'll answer some questions you might already have:

But DTB, why not just post the pictures directly on Facebook instead of URLs? Posting URLs was actually the solution. Previous Facebook pages that were similar to mine have been banned and closed for posting pictures, and not even selling alright, and so URLs to the blog were the solution. I guess now it's not.

Will you still be using Facebook? Yes, but I guess it won't have as many posts as it used to.

Are there other similar subreddits we can visit? Yes! I used to be active in and Both communities are relatively active and provide help and discussions with its redditors. I highly recommend checking them out, and I've recommended this way before too.

What's next for DTB? I was actually planning on revamping the whole website again to improve user experience, but I haven't found the time. Now with this Facebook issue, I might get a bit more delayed trying to figure out and adjust to a subreddit. Plus, the succcess of this subreddit will also depend on you guys, if you'll be active in it or not; though even if I get little responses or comments there, I'll strive to use it just as I used Facebook.

Will you be getting Mods for the subreddit? I'm definitely looking into it. For now though, I'd like to see how it works first and acquire many redditors, then we can all select mods that are knowledgable and helpful in our hobby!

How can I help? Maybe look into using the subreddit to help and get help from each other! If you can reach out to Facebook Support (cause I heard they rarely respond), ask what we can do to resolve the issue. Though most importantly, just be nice to our fellow collectors; DTB isn't just a website, it's a community!

How to contact Facebook Support? Try messaging anyone "" then Facebook will prevent the message from being sent and you'll have the option to tell them why you think they made a mistake. Then, based on how this page has helped guide you with your hobby, explain why you think should not be against their community standards.

You could also try to click this link, just mention "" when you're explaining why you think we shouldn't go against their community standards.

Visit our new subreddit and join! 

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