Italy: 5,559 COVID-19 Cases & 969 Deaths In Past 24 Hours

March 27, 2020


Although Italy reports a modest decrease in new COVID-19 cases in their latest 24 hour update (down 194 over the previous day), they report the highest 1-day death toll thus far.  Italy's official totals stand at 86,498 cases and 9,134 deaths.
Italy is now 17 days into their nationwide lockdown, and while new daily cases totals are about 10% off their peak of March 21st (n=6557), we've yet to sees the dramatic slowdown everyone is hoping for. 
The number of cases occupying ICU beds (n=3732) continues to climb, despite more than 5,000 deaths reported in Italy over the past week.

Lombardy remains the hardest hit region, with 37,298 cases and 5,402 deaths.  This yields a staggering preliminary CFR of 14.45% among known confirmed cases, although it is assumed that a great many mild and moderate cases have not been counted. Italy's preliminary CFR outside of Lombardy is running near 7.5%.
Both CFRs are substantially higher than anything we've seen anyplace else in the world. 
Complicating matters, we've seen unverified reports suggesting that some number of suspected COVID-19 related deaths have not been counted, and there are media reports that more than 3 dozen doctors have died from the virus - and more than 6,000 HCWs have reportedly been infected.
The local healthcare delivery system in some parts of Italy appears to be badly overwhelmed, and a lack of ICU beds, ventilators, and trained staff may be a significant factor in Italy's unusually high fatality rate. 
The latest update from the Italian MOH:
The situation in Italy: March 27, 2020, 18.00
DECEASED                         9134
HEALED                            10950

Press conference at 6 pm on March 27th 
86498 total cases, currently positive people are 66414, 9134 dead and 10950 recovered.
Among the 66414 positives:

  • 36653 are found in home isolation
  • 26029 hospitalized with symptoms
  • 3732 in intensive care
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