Now you can play without buying real Warhammer 40K pieces? JK!
I'll be showing pictures of all 6 below.
Loving the guns!
All-around prints too!
These backpacks are also really great!
Chainsaw sword!? Count me in!
I loved all the guns except this one. The gun stock prevents the minifig from holding it properly as seen above.
The base fig's prints are really great along with its plastic quality.
Occasionally though you might end up with faded prints like the logo on his chest plate here.
But most of them were pretty good.
Worth getting? Definitely if you're a Warhammer fan! If not, then the parts alone might be enough reason to get them.
I'm just surprised they started with these ones instead of the space marines who are more popular Warhammer 40000 characters. I'm hoping to see more soon so that maybe it'll be possible to play Kill Team with minifigures. :D
I think I still have some backlog reviews from my AngeloMarcus Greenhills hauls last week, I'll post about them soon as well.
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