He is 27 today Tutorial Komputer December 27, 2019 anak Tutorial Komputer Alhamdulillah...he is turning 27 on the 27th December 2019. Happy birthday, busu Share this Google Facebook Twitter More Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote Author : Tutorial Komputer Related Posts The door giftdoor gift untuk majlis anakanda....di Bizmilla Garden Hall 1000 balang colorful pop corn dari The goodies house enThe menu, 15 December,2019Asalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua... Hari ni kak rose nak tepek kat sini menu majlis persandingan anaThe antic of my anak2 buah...anak2 buah yang memeriahkan majlis persandingan anakanda kami...7hb December, 2019Tahniah, anak mama ayah..welcome to our family, my daughter in law..