The Grierson & Leitch Podcast: Race Cars, Spies, 'The Report' and 'Waves' adam driver christian bale james mangold matt damon movie reviews podcast scarlett johansson taika waititi trey edward shults admin November 20, 2019 Add Comment admin On this week's episode, we both review Ford v Ferrari and Charlie's Angels. Then, I go solo on The Report and Waves. An
My Interview With Trey Edward Shults, Writer-Director of 'Waves' directors interviews mel trey edward shults admin November 14, 2019 Add Comment admin Trey Edward Shults has made three films. They're all about complicated families. He didn't plan it that way -- it's jus
Toronto 2019: The Wrap-Up and the Rankings adam driver adam sandler eddie murphy film festivals ira sachs joaquin phoenix julie delpy list mania noah baumbach rian johnson scarlett johansson susan sarandon toronto trey edward shults admin September 15, 2019 Add Comment admin After two-and-a-half weeks, two countries, four flights and 22 reviews, I'm home. It's been a pretty exhilarating journ
Toronto 2019: 'Waves' Review film festivals toronto trey edward shults admin September 06, 2019 Add Comment admin Waves got ecstatic reviews out of Telluride. I reviewed the film from Toronto for Screen International. I'm a little mo