HERERO LADIES OF NAMIBIA - AFRICA'S VICTORIAN STYLE FASHIONISTAS! Angola Botswana Culture Namibia Society admin September 10, 2011 Add Comment admin The Herero or Ovaherero - were nomadic herdsman who at the time of European contact, lived in Namibia and Botswana. Th
GRIOTS Gambia Guinea-Conakry Mali Niger Senegal Society admin December 29, 2010 Add Comment admin Fanta a griot singing at an engagement partyThe griots are above all professionals who represent as a group, a well-def
MILLEN MAGESE-AFRICAN ELEGANCE Society Tanzania admin December 28, 2010 Add Comment admin An equal force to reckon with in the competitive international fashion modeling industry.Millen Magese hails from Tanza
MICHAEL POLIZA'S AFRICA Africa on Lens Arts Society South Africa admin May 11, 2010 Add Comment admin Passion, patience, and perfection are the three things that come to mind when viewing the breath taking and stunning ph