The Holy Sites of Juche Cult of Kim Hoeryong Juche Kim Il Sung Kim Jong Suk Mangyongdae Mansudae Myohyangsan Paektu Pyongyang religion Tutorial Komputer December 27, 2018 Add Comment Tutorial Komputer Statue of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il riding horses. Erected in 2012 after the death of Kim Jong Il.For the uninitiated
The Price of the Cult of Kim cost Cult Cult of Kim International Friendship Exhibition Juche Kim Il-sung Kim Jong-il Kim Jong-un Mansudae millions monuments personality Pyongyang Tower of Eternal Life Tutorial Komputer July 14, 2017 Add Comment Tutorial Komputer (To save and read for later, you can download the PDF here)Figure 1: Visitors bowing before statues of Kim Il-sung and