The Best 'Star Wars' Critters debate club list mania sci-fi star wars syfy admin December 15, 2019 Add Comment admin Over at SyFy, we're celebrating the franchise's most enduring non-human characters. Lots of droids and weird creatures
What 'Star Wars' Characters Deserve Their Own Movie? carrie fisher debate club list mania star wars syfy admin December 07, 2019 Add Comment admin We answer the tough questions over at SyFy.
What's the Worst MCU Film? chris evans debate club edward norton list mania marvel robert downey jr syfy admin December 03, 2019 Add Comment admin I'm sure this won't spark any debate at all: Our Top/Bottom 5 are over at SyFy.
Marvel's Best Bad Guys (Who Aren't Thanos) comic book movies debate club marvel michael b. jordan michael fassbender michael keaton spider-man syfy admin November 20, 2019 Add Comment admin Thanos is the king of MCU villains. But the franchise's bench is actually pretty deep. Please enjoy the latest Debate C
Best Old-School Disney Sci-Fi Films list mania sci-fi syfy admin November 14, 2019 Add Comment admin For this week's Debate Club, we looked back at Disney's finest sci-fi films from before 1990. Funny how many of them ha